Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Friday, August 31, 2007

Lat day of August 2007


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Many happenings but i dont care its all about my phone

Ok this is my phone its a pocket pc its rather kool gadget got it over the iphone purely of features and software avalible. its almost a totaly replacement of my computer and its been the couse of lack of computer usage as now im on the move!!!!!!!!
Phone mode touch the screen yeahhhhh

thats enough of geekyness and back to reality!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bikes - Parks - Cars

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Best sound system ever!!!!!!!!!!

I've just bought the best BASS system ever!

Wiring Kit
Sub Woofer & Enclosure

A perfect match for my

Head Unit.
Front Door 5" Speakers.
Rear Pionner 6x9 Speakers.
bought from halfords

A system worth over £455

Its going to sound crazyyyyyyyyyyy.

Monday, August 20, 2007


The massive Birthday Sports Day had to be canceled due to adverse weather. But as usual no plan is the best plan.................

We had japanese.

First time i have eaten with chop stick since i arrived back in England!

Then we partyed like it was 1977.

My ears hurt so much i can hear anything just ringing. we dance like it was 1986.

Happy birthday Sarah!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Old England - China Town KTV

Today we decided to go to the Black Country Living Museum! it was amazing i went there when i was in primary school. its a entire village that is set over 100 years ago in england.

I love history so this place is amazing to me.

A old fashion school where we had a lesson in the tree R's Reading Writting & Arithmatic.

The entire day was really fun, we even went into a old coal mine tour really amazing and cool.
later the night we decided to experiance some KTV in china town!

Karaoke is so.... that it becomes fun!

fotos y not

Friday, August 17, 2007

Gardening + Parks

I had to do chores today. I had the job of cutting the front garden hedge down. I like it cos I get to use my petrol engin saw to do it. yeahhhhhh.

then lots of cosins came around from my dads side of the family, I never new I had such a large faily since the time I've been back!

then park with my mother and bro and his "friend" then heros.

I'm in thinking mode and allways day dream of what could be.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Guess What Another Wedding!

This time its a closes familiy friend, are parants were friends for many many years then we lived nextdoor to each other. its quite intresting going to all theses weddings! there just so many new faces that i have never ever seen before!

This wedding again had all the fancy things! fly cars fly venue and again 5 course meal!

i think this is the last one for a while, but you never know there might be one just around the corner with this gaint family of mine!

Playing with my cars after the wedding yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Even More Art Oppenings

Today my cousin was in birmingham so we decided to take him around birmingham (Shopping) a little to show him about. it strange but my family has so so so so many people in it, i never ever reialises this before the wedding.

Firday Night deced to go out to an new gallery art oppening in the jewlery quarter. was really kool not much freelace opertunaties or food lol this time. but theres so many job chances if i had the energy to chase them.
My Street at night!

Spark Plugs


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Meeting the inlaws! Southamton Visit!

Are cusions booked a coach for our whole family to take us down to the in laws home 120 Miles away in Southampton.

IT was an interesting day trip with getting to know our cousins. 6 hour round trip scary thought but wasn't bad at all due to the company.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Giant Croweds of people all now part of our family it was crazy there were over 500 people at the wedding all the people now are related to me in some way now!

There was a 4 course meal served very nice.

Congratulation Runa
a bad picture sorry, the bride and groom with the brides family.

Fly Wedding with many people! Fly cars and Fly Suits!

Were the first cusins so very important were all attended! its very difficult to get all or familiy in the same place at the same time!

After the wedding my brothers and sister an me took a picture of us in our asian wedding cloths. a rare chance to see my sisters in this clothing! im the middle one!

Sunday, August 05, 2007


One of our close relitives is getting married on monday! and it was her hen night last night. This was a traditional asain hen night where boy are allowed to attend which is kool. its all an strange experiance and take a very long time as fisrt everyone has to feed the bride somthing.

then mendi is used to decorate the hands and feet like bollywood! its all very tradidtional and hectic as usual with millions of people and loads of cusins and relitives of mine.