Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Bro sis and me
My costume! i look scary!

Sister looking very scary

My brother

Ringu and me

Tired after the party!


wow so tired now off to a all night party IKON! with massive cool bands playing like broadcast.

write up stuff later

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hereford Photography Festival

As it was the last day of the festivel i was asked to take the photos for the show.
A 1 hour drive near wales.

Most of the images here are just my snap shot ones, as i not allowed to place others online.
the day was mostly for fun looking around the old city of England

Imapges inside a massive old choursh look below!

can you see me?

The day was fun, it ment i skiped doing my school work so its gotta be fun hehe.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Random stuff day!

A walk to get milk and stuff at night!
walking many places to get some where open

other parts of day was occupied sorting out Camera equiptment and lens etc.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Lots of Cool New Stuff

Well its been a had time for my pockets the past few weeks. As I approch graduation i need to have better hardware so currently i almost have an entire design suite in my room! i even have an output centre (printing large scale). its all preporation for my final year project where i feel i shouldnt be limited due to lack of equiptment.

I will post my room pics soon. kinda messy now so id rather not.

the pic above it recent of me and my older brov.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

University why dont it teach!

Image my classroom/studio
Well I had it, im sick of the uni not teaching. I have now for sure am going to be the most pro-active person ever! if it needs to be done its done!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I've started my work woooo!

The above image is the project brief, its so gay design i hate it!
but the project should be fun as i like lifestyle things haha.

its been a difficult challenge to start my work after my return long ago from the busy busy working lifestlye of HK. I havent done the work so far cos it hasnt intrested me. but right now i am intrested in the graphic design side so in this project i am going to try focus on layout rather then mass amounts of work.
i thought i would be behind sheduale on this project, but as prototypes are not needed i think i will be fine as they take up the most time.
this post is dedicated to ME starting my WORk so yeahhhh to me!
on other words im nearly fu*king 21 years old OMG im completly unsure what to do for it! only 1 month and a week to wait.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Wow, that Critque went well!

The day of presentation was upon us! i did only 3 a4 pages haha but the teacher like the 3 pages to it was fine! hahaha yeahhh i thought i was gonna get bolloking

Look i'm 5 years old chasing Birds :P

Wow there Fast!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Getting Off Tracked

Well i have a presentation tommrow and for sum reason im here explaining that i am crazy! instead of doing my work after i got back home form uni i decided to go to the theater! i think im trying not to do my work!

Its not that workings hard its just id rather do more fun thinkgs then lay down my ideas for a presentation its not the final one so id rather wait till then but as its 3rd year i need to show tutors an update on my progress.

anyway the theater was a dance thing, i didnt enjoy it so it kinda was a waste of time i dont really have :p


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Book Hunt - Uni - Chinese Food

At uni today collect many many books for my Final Year Project and Dissitation!

Went to lunch/dinner in a chinese restrant in china town, somthing i havent done for a long time! since i was in Hong Kong eating the same foods!

It felt as if i were in HK haveing po lay tea and ordering for the restrant.

Pekking duck and chicken with rice, selection of dim sums etc it was so familiar!
after we went in search of many books again for the damn FYP and essay! managed to get many many books so thats kool!
now thinking about tutorial/presentation i have this thursday!

Monday, October 15, 2007

First Overnighter for a while!

I'm in Pain

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Happy Eid Mubarak

Hope everyone has a happy festive day full of joy and happyness.

Day was occupied with reletives and special foods.

Friday, October 12, 2007

In Uni, Had a storke of Gunius

Winning Monopoly

Monopoly and Dinner @ JJ with tom and dick
I Won, what can i say i am matamatical

Loads and loads of money!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Mixing Programs

Here i used a trick, i have rendered one of my skech-up models in flamingo and its not too bad considering the very low polgon count. by all means this aint the best model nor render but a thired day playing with 3d software not bad at all.

Luxology Modo

i am beging to learn this software its proving quite tricky with a few technical prolems. i hope to get to grips with this software within a few weeks and hopefuly no other software will come out making all the 3d learnning useless.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Learning Rhino - From Zero to Alright

Everything in this model was ceated by meself!

this model took 1 hour getting to this level took aproximatly 10 hours spead across a month. not bad if i were to study the program i could get pro in a few days. but not im trying to learn Luxology



Friday, October 05, 2007

Fracture screening @ Planetarium @ My University

Today we were invited to attend a art video oppening, at the millenium point which is my university! this is just one part of my university.
The screening took place in the science museum part.


I must addmit it s quite impressive, this is where i would come to get my books on technical stuff, or come for CAD trainning.

One of the computer rooms in the building, only MACS in this one (all run XP lol).
It was a cool everning, woo to the film.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Birmingham Royal Ballet's: Strictly Dancing

BRB: Strictly Dancing
This stunning programme explores the three strands of Birmingham Royal Ballet's work: the 19th-century classical tradition, the Company’s unique 20th century heritage and modern ballet's creative force.

The show was very good, we had very good seats costing £44.50 each

The ballet is always a very nice everning to go to.

The venue is very good, even better then the shakespear company one in stratford.
I should do work now but its late. i shouldnt miss uni again tommrow.