Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

One month update!

there has been susnatial working under gone on this project UPDATE SOON

Monday, November 26, 2007

Hardware Failures 3X DVD Writters 1x HDD Ahhh!

18 months and three drives later!
kind of pisses me of two drives were OEM so no warrently and the others has finished so no help there.
want a new one but theres so so many to chose from and i need it to be a good one with high compatibility rate.
i thinking either:
LiteOn 20x DH-20A4P-21C DVD+/-/RW / RAM Black
Samsung SH-202 20x DVD+/-RW/RAM/DL
Pioneer DVR 112DBK - DVD±RW (±R DL) 18x

Monday, November 19, 2007

My office to put in context

where i try to do work, half my room, other half is bedroom.
I am running out of space maybe its time to invade others for space

Epson A3+ Mini Ciss Install

New printer didnt really want to install a Bulk Ciss ink system as these tend to mess up printers after a while due to air getting into the printer head. because of this i decided to go with a miniCiss. these systems are very new with limited places selling them, for this reason i bought mine from Hong kong.
Intalling the system is the same as replacing the cratrages as the miniciss is just a refillible resivor that can be refilled with out taking the cratrages out the printer. theres about 40ml ink in each cartrage so thats 2-4 times more then originals.

Colour colaboration test with original epson and miniciss print.

Above is the original RGB file

The above is a single scan of the test prints top miniciss and bottom original.
I have to say the miniciss far out does the epson originals as it seems more life like and matches the original rgb file more.
I'd recomend this mini Ciss to anyone

(from the geek in geekstars)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

LG Hi-Macs Technical Briefing

Today we had part two of the LG Hi-Macs project brief which was the technical side of the matirial and what and what it can't do.
After being show stuff about the solid surface it seems i now have less ideas then before as th e lecture was kinda of draining and not very specific.
and the cost per sheet and fabrication seems to cost a lot so making anything of sugnificance is going to be difficult!

other then that today has been crap cos im ILL and feverish! dont like it.

wraped up warm and going into hybernation for a day or so to recover!


Monday, November 12, 2007

Diwali - Fourth Firework Display!

Diwali Birmingham 2007 Celebrations!
well today was the celebrations for Dewali festivel of light! which in turn means FIREWORKS!
so was a nice thing to do,
food, music from Jay Sean so that rocked!
was cold but nice

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Third Bonfire Night

i love fireworks whooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

here are some at fds garden near to my home. so cool, and noisy!

there fds are all professional pyrotechnics on there day off so this is what they do in there leisure haha.

the fire was so so so so big and hot was crazy!
but there were 4 qualified pyrotechnics so it was safe!
p.s its diwali today so i expect even more fireworks!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Eurostar Opening! London-Paris 2007 St Pancreas Station

That one big ass spider on top of me!

Aaarrrr TWINS

London Tube, like an vintage MTR station haha

Drinking tea at the german Gymnaseum

Sneak look at the Startion after the Eurostar Journey from Paris

On are way to paris everyones excited whooo

This was a very interesting day that ended up costing me tons of money! we were VIPs invited guests and every thing was fine untill the train compay fine me fro not having my student rail card on me £60 fine! dont really matter as the day was excelent! well worth the extra cash!
anyway London/Paris nearly is alwasy fun to visit must do it more often!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Theater: Madame Lucinda’s Wonder Show

WOW that was good! went to theater today as there was a show that sounded too good to be missed! i thought it was by far more interesting then it sounded and enjoed it. as much as i hate clowns i think this pulled it off damn well. Good Show!

Based on poems and text written for the Wonder Show by Anna Maria Murphy (Kneehigh Theatre, The National Theatre, BBC Radio 4) and combining Rogue Theatre’s daring style, Madame Lucinda’s Wonder Show beautifully blends the innocent with the macabre, optimism with the inescapable and the real with the fantastical.With live music, illusion, side splitting comedy, dance, explosive physical theatre and compelling narrative, the show stylistically borrows from the 1920’s Side Show and finds itself somewhere between the worlds of “Tim Burton” and “The Wizard of Oz”.Mixing circus spectacle and passion with the real, follow the unusual stories of three acts; Sirus (The Man Who Knows), Svetlana (The Living Doll) and Lo-Lo (The Clown). Marvel at the exquisite heartache, the torturous hilarity and breathtaking magic.Madame Lucinda’s Wonder Show is designed for adults and young adults; though can be enjoyed by an adventurous family audience. Tickets: £9

VOXTROT LIVE !!!!!yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!


7 october 2007 VOXTROT came to England and played a amazing show of there amazing talents. Bar Academey so was a small venue for this amazing band! if you werent there you missed it and are foolish!

the support band new adventures somthing somthing were good Jack Penate replicas which is uncool but sounded very nice so nearly there guys keep it up!

all this after that natorious all nighter, that was very productive!!!!!!! no regrets!


That was a ALL NIGHTER!

times like HK return with the idea of 3rd year Projects!

well monday was a 48 hour day for me! its was complied with stress and large workload! i how ever did manage the impossible and get F*ck loads of work done, so much so i was able to create design boards for two further ideas which is nice! hopefully boosts the grades haha!

but i have to sat if it werent for my technical abilitiys or Hardware i.e dual monitors 22" monitors and A3 printers etc this woundnt of been possible so the investment is paying off i think. as long as the grade i get is a 2.1 or better im happy chappy!

My room is a STATE is so messy i dont want to be in it! terroble!

this is what happends if you leave dealines to the very very END!

after being awake so long i realised that voxtrot were playing tuesday night!!! so without realising i didnt have sleep for a long time i bought tickets and ask a friend to join!

so then with out sleeping went to the gig! read up ^^^


Sunday, November 04, 2007

Guy Falks Night/Hannahs Bday!

Fireworks yeahh
Boom crash bang

Drink afterwards (softdrink) driving and all!


Saturday, November 03, 2007

Important Things! About to Happen!
in this image!


Recently its been a Working thing! been chilling too long time for action and work to take hold!