Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Monday, April 28, 2008


Originally uploaded by GeekStars
Testing iflicker with blogger! Let's see if it works!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Well so much has happened in the past few weeks that its hard to write about stuff in general, but I will start with a little about the goings on.

Well working back wards might help. Lots of building stuff has been on the agender for a while so that's one issue! Umm I've had one of the worst crits ever the other day. Damn uni is gay kinda killing me, not with work but stress!

Umm learning to drive been intresting and a little to easy, I mean I thought it would be hard.

Umm I broke my micro sd card in my dopod 818 pro(htc) so I could'nt be. Bothered to reinstall apps and files and stuff so I decided to get the iPhone again even though I rembered it being poor. But its turned out to be fab, I mean I'm doing everything I did with my HTC and more with the iPhone even though there's a lack of a qwerty keyboard. The on screen ones ok after all I am writting this with it!
Just need to learn how to add pics.

Really tired so gtg

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A Smarter Email

Sunday, April 13, 2008

AVA - Angels and Airwaves - Rock the city!

I've been waiting a long time to see AVA, finaly it happend with the 2008 worldwide tour of angels and airwaves. straight from the states to japan now in england for this intense show. note the word show, this band have bought somthing new with the dismemberment of many succsessful bands such as Blink 182. such a legacy to follow, but i think tom enjoys playing more REAL gigs as Blink was too big to appriciate how big they were.
the gig it self was better then expected with the a impressive light show, not the ususal stuff, but specially bought in lightshow fully sync'ed with the music. Tom seems to be off the wacky stuff so the band was right on, sounded perfect.
this band is a little strange, as it does want to change the world with this intresting take on HOLYNESS. you have to see to belive it. not dissing AVA and i do understand what they are trying to say but i am a little too grow up for such (non-sense).
the past few weeks have been tought, i have the last few weeks of my degree left yet i still havent started my final year project, leaving me only five weeks to do a 5 month project! ok this sucks big time and its really damn pressure but its me after all i am sure i will be able to rectify this problem sooner or later.
ive been to many gigs the past few weeks and exhbitions and had a photoshoot and been visiting the printers regulary.
its sunday now and i am running out on time.
i think i may go to milan think i may go milan this friday just for the weekend to go to the milan furniture fair but still thinking about if i have the time.
i better be off as i find it to east to write random stuff and could be here all day.

Friday, April 04, 2008

April How Did that Happen!

Time flys when your stressed out your mind!
I am not the type of person to panic, but I do worrie about the consequences of my inadiquite time keeping.

I havent been blogging even though theres much news to blog about.
But i will try to upload some stuff when i have time.
fyp hand-in 6 weeks count down!
then i finish my education!