Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Exchange Program Mess-ups

Well as you may of heard i am supposed to be going on an exchange program for the 2nd sermester of my degree, this was supposed to be for Hong Kong yeah thats right how amazing it blow my mind away aswell. Hong Kong WOW its like a dream come true, but as always its was to good to be true.

My course director who's supposed to sort it all out told us very late about the applications that we have to fill out, so that means are applications are going to be in months late and were supposed to be starting in the second week of january! How gay is that!

Anyway the second option was to go th milan polytechnic i filled out alll the application forms and submitted my folio etc, but today i get an email from the course director saying that we need to send are applications again cause the university havernt heard anything from us! how did that happen!

So now were all in a bit of a pickel. am i going or not.
I really really want to go, but i've been let down by the course director i think.
Anyway i will still push ahead and try my very best to sort every thing out and maybe in a months time i'll be blogging in Hong Kong or Milan!

So till next time, Enjoy life


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