Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Awesome proper day/night out!


Saturday was awesome proper day/night out!

It was Phat, I started the day waking up late at 12.30. then I went out o get some breakfast and was back by 1.30.

Then at 2 I went and called the others to come out to the party Lok organised for welcoming us to the starting of 2nd semester/leaving party for the guys leaving for an exchange!

We did’nt know what to expect but we all went along to meet the gang at UNi. We arrived at 2.30 and meet up with all the guys and then we all chipped in for some grub. And then split in to groups use lot were going straight to are destination


We arrived and a few of the girls and me and dar went and did some shopping then we all went to the nice’esd beach for the bestest BBQ ever!

I can not really explain it, you have to be there to experience it! It was proper!In the natral stone on the beach there are public BBQs for everyone to use its proper cool, with nartal rock steating etc.

There was like 30 of us having a wicked Party/BBQ we had the three BBQ going and tons of food not crappy English style, but loads of top quality stuff Stakes,Fish,Shell fish,Chicken,Wild Mushrooms, and not just a little bit, we had loads loads loads! No blag.

We all chilled for hours and hours proper nice! In the moonlit beach, white sand beautiful surroundings and glimmering lights in the distance! It was idyllic .
After lots of fun and games we at 11.30 we headed for Causeway Bay for a classy Bar on the 21st Floor in was a privet shin dig just for us lot, proper classy nice moody lighting and perfect size we filled the place, we had a table just for us steating all of us. We spent $$$$$$ in the place it was fantastic we even ordered more classy food, Prawns on Ice and Delux Ice creams Three £50 bottles of wisky etc proper night out!!!! We did;nt leave till 4.30am the next morning

After it all we all strolled home and got a mini bus back home to polyU it was a mega night out which streached till sunrise, the best!

Words do no justice!



At 3:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from UK hehehe hahahah!

Looks like fun, i want to be there too! hot hot heat! nice food nice people nice climate seems the like the bussiness.

Me no englishhhhhh me speak bangla. betaa ghoraa ay by nee, ami khob kushi oi mu. hockle man-ush am-marl mat buz-za-na.



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