Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Thursday, March 29, 2007

35 Hours All Nighter!!!!!

35 Hours later i am home its been a mega challenge the MICROSOFT MSR Comp is crazy im going insane there was many many tanktrums thrown last night.
Fights and stuff lol,
na its cool are presentation went ok i gave them 3 concepts and they like one and was a maybe on the other and a no on one.
this was very good as few groups came up with a amazing idea that the tutors liked.
im going china tommrow for a MASTER OF TOY PROTOTYPING WORKSHOP in china. its gonna be crazy cant wait.
but as i said ive been a wake for 35 hours and have to go china tommrow so i am deffo going to sleep now!!!!


At 9:42 pm, Blogger Saiman said...

Woo hooo! not sleeping is a thing of the movies. that is a impressive time u stayed up but still i done a 48 hour day with active activerties including walking thousands of miles etc. hope u done well though im glad they liked at least one. i do hope your group was one of the favourites!

thats some mean design work kep it up next time use a irl and make the hair cut cooler!

its only gonna get hotter in HK from now on ennit? buy some shriff sunglasses would be cool. and remember what i said about getting a stylist go fucking get one!

stay away from the massage parlers in china i heard only bad things u know.

should be fun though, go nuts and stuf.

dont forget that i want a DS lITE get me one plz with all games eva made for it plz.

Iv been doing my renaissance essay for at lest 16 hours and i only got 700 words i think im fucking crazy its taking so so long others ha completed theres time ago in a few hours! jesus i feel dumb. its so interesting history though so i wanna do it right but feel i need to do it in a school enviroment.

im in such a typing mood as i have been on computer all day writting very few words at a time so now im killing it, i bet i am anoying u and your gonna stop reading soon? dont i may have something interesting to say... o look a text let me read to seconds... it was nice girl from uni shes so sound... urm well yes dont forget to have un but keep on a budget now as it all is reality!!!!!

your so gonna hate birmingham when u come back, like i said product design dont exist i think. never see them around these days. can u really change to HK poly u for ever? enquire about it! i sware ill come over all the time and stuff. u can get a chinease wife and live there and things it would be wikid and i can be a architect living urm who knows etc sarah can do her art thing where ever etc and would be good international combo,

i hope ur making these friends for life u want a secondhome! so make sure u get one!

its getttin gslowly late hear and i have to hand in this essay tmrw mid day... they best let me have my extenstion otherwise i am screwed. i just been told only half of my group were in today so that makes me hapy but also i feel i should have gone in to talk with the limited number of people... would have been good also i would more likely to be offered a job at my tutors practice...

u have nealry finished ur degreenow btw what do you have planned? jobs are hard to get so make sure your thinking about it now!

im gonna go now do the work been fun typing only hope bloger dont delee my writting! scary...

goodnight/goodmorning whatever
your very intelligent twin


At 6:43 pm, Blogger GeekStars said...

Thats some FUCKING intensive stuff bro!

im in a state of total shock and a life is KOOL!

The future is a scary thing one most not dwel on this, is only an challenge, we everyone passes as its not set!

Next time email this stuff as this is the internet! ITs a public domain, and i know that someone it reading this as i type!!

At 1:33 pm, Blogger Saiman said...

o a reply finally, nice...


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