Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Friday, March 16, 2007


Well today started @ 10.30am cos i had to sleep longer thatn usual due to lack of sleep for the last 45 Hours because of the MSR presentation! It was a killer event which required so much hard work! really we did an all nighter and i couldnt stop swaring!

anyway today

started with toy lcture boring recap session of our presenataions on tuesday.

After that i had supper OUTSIDE with a few mates

than played warcraft with the class for many hours

and then to end teh everning went with (kay + worm) coolest indie kids around for dinner at a restrant where i ate a meat plater of pork,chickn,duck,beef,lamb sea criture and that was just for starters after that many many more plates of meat kept flying at us!

i went with Kay the vegitirian!
everything there was vegitarian all made from soya, its crazy there was so many different types! very posh and expensive!
i only really liked the fake duck as it was crispy like somosas.

anyway after that we met up with a few others and watched 'Laberinto del Fauno, El '

It was arwsome def worth the second watch! but i did remember every scene as its was such a good film.

any im back at halls now its nearlt two so i better sleep as i have to collect my passport tommrow from the travel agents!



At 2:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throw up quick get the nasty meat our of your body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck u playing at! its not cleaver!

At 2:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:10 am, Blogger GeekStars said...


i went with Kay the vegitirian!

everything there was vegitarian all made from soya, its crazy there was so many different types! very posh and expensive!

i only really liked the fake duck as it was crispy like somosas.

At 4:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

exellent film isnt it?

Ive seen it twice now


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