Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Monday, April 09, 2007

OMG 9% of set task complete!

Life is HARD! i have had so much time off but why do i feel like i have been working like a dog for the past few days! Cos i have in the form of stressing!

its so stressful knowing that i have so much work that need to be complate! tommrow i have to hand in the TOY video but i just done a test rund and it looks a little horrible!!!!!!

so i think i am screwed!!! I Hope not thought, i have emailed the exchange gang asking fo there help with the video, i may jst make it into a comedy so i get the class laughing! cos i cant impress them with flashy graphics etc. Comedy is our key to a successful Video!

hopefully i can get the shots i need then wack em together to make them look amazing! but only time will tell cos i am running out of it very very FAST.

OMG tommrow i have remi, his such a good teacher but i have let him down, so i hope i can make this video slightly good atleast!

I did get to sleep till 5am last night and i got up @ 10am so i had not much sleep either! its going to be a long day!!!!!!

signing out!



At 12:21 am, Blogger Saiman said...

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!


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