Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Wow time travels fast and im almost 21

Well one is becomeing OLD i turn the big 21 in a matter of days (some one buy me a car) thats just so un kool and i would rather i was turning 20.
Well the past year was quite amazing right from the very begging in january right through to now! only hope i can top it all off with the next years to come!
Graduation is coming and that scared me the most! i dont want to be stuck in a job and become boring.... So my main piroty is to find fun things to do after graduation that dont involve being boring and stuff!
Working will come narturaly so i feel while your young get into debt and travel the world! so thats my plan!

new drive arrived today gonna give it a go with a 4.4GB iso see how fast and well it handels it!
results to follow.
This drive is the business! it super fast 4.4GB data written at 16x in 5 mins! high quility burn for them demanding electronic eqiptment that require high quility disc, i use infiniti and have had no problems! yeahh before the drives i used were phillips, HP, Sony etc and all are rubbish compared! GET A SAMSUNG ONE NOW!!


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