Life here one minunte, gone the next.
The past week has been and intense time its been the crits before thebeginnings of the holidays its also been an emotional ride.
What ever happends, happends that's life. That's the moral of what thepast weeks has been for me.
Is also been full of comircial fun with the purchases of manyelectrical gadgets including 500GB external!
Have had the delivery of my scooter last week which has been a bag afun and coolness full post up soon about that subject. 100km on theclock so far from 0!
The above image is the factory I went to to get a design made, itsjust a simple ground ancore design so I can lock up my vespa in frontof my house. I didn't want to flimsy one so I designed and got onemanafactured myself. A heaftly chunk of metal ready for cementing intothe ground.Thursday off to the LDN after that who knows where i'll be.STARS