Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Monday, March 24, 2008

Casiotone For The Painfully Alone

Live in Nottingham

was good

lifes so busy where to start...

i know i wont. but i do need to take more pictures of stuff, ive seemed to have stopped :(


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life here one minunte, gone the next.

Life here one minunte, gone the next.

The past week has been and intense time its been the crits before thebeginnings of the holidays its also been an emotional ride.

What ever happends, happends that's life. That's the moral of what thepast weeks has been for me.

Is also been full of comircial fun with the purchases of manyelectrical gadgets including 500GB external!

Have had the delivery of my scooter last week which has been a bag afun and coolness full post up soon about that subject. 100km on theclock so far from 0!

The above image is the factory I went to to get a design made, itsjust a simple ground ancore design so I can lock up my vespa in frontof my house. I didn't want to flimsy one so I designed and got onemanafactured myself. A heaftly chunk of metal ready for cementing intothe ground.Thursday off to the LDN after that who knows where i'll be.STARS

Saturday, March 08, 2008


Quote from new scientist website; "Ketchup Submarine, submitted by Sadiq Miah. The judges felt that this entry did a great job of explaining the principles behind the movement of submarine craft. The clear demonstration using a ketchup sachet and a bottle of water, plus excellent homemade schematics, put this entry on the runners-up list"

The science experiments that i did earlier this year have paid off, ( i have won a Canon MD160 DV camcorder Yeahhhhhhh!
But i still have a load of work to do so no film making for a while also my vespa* shoe get deliverd sometime next week, and also i have to go to london and look at my spacew fro New Designers Exibition that I am taking part in July.
I am rediculouly busy and am stressed so much i am finding it difficult to attempted the mounting of work i have >_<

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Friday, March 07, 2008

Im so STRESSED, how can i do work

I Have so much to do its crazy!
Life is becoming hard, the struggles are kicking in and concentration seems as forign to me as eskimos. It does't help when I have so many things happenning around me, some bad others good.
On the Plus side I have bought my helmet, its a retro styled open face one. I bought it in plain siver even though there are thousands of kool helemts with waky retro designs. I did this so that i can customise it myself, after all i am a designer. Above is my inital concept, simple traditional vespa styling. not sure about it though I want a star on it somewhere? Below is the helemt as standard.

I need to do 30% of my entire final year project with in the next few days and so far i have 0% and am stuck in selecting a project to start with. I need HELP!

Monday, March 03, 2008

M.I.A Tells the Best Story I've Heard in Ages (creepy)