NewScietists - My Experiments!

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Experiment 1: Bouncing Rice
Win £5 with this methoud of making rice bounce!GeekStars for NewScientist
Experiment 2: This experiment show that Co2 is actually heavier then air!
The candle is put out with the falling Co2!AMAZING! Try it your self if you don't belive me!
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Experiment 3: f = v/λ
Upon initial stirring, entrained gas bubbles reduce the speed of sound in the liquid, lowering the frequency. As the bubbles clear, sound travels faster in the liquid and the frequency increases.
This frequency f is equal to the speed v of the wave divided by the wavelength λ (lambda) of the wave
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Experiment 4: Surface Tension
Surface tension is an effect within the surface layer of a liquid that causes that layer to behave as an elastic sheet.
Here the milk and food colourings are the surface and when the liquid soap hits it breaks the surface and the tenstion pulls back the food colouring!
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Experiment 5: Green Eggs and Cabbage
This experiment is taken from the new book from NewScientist by Mick O'Hare How to Fosseilise your hamster
Make Eggs Turn Green with nother other then red cabbage juice!
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Experiment 6: Ketchup Submarine
This experiment shows that liquid is harder to compress than air!
This experiment is taken from the new book from NewScientist by Mick O'Hare How to Fosseilise your hamster
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Experiment 7: My Pound Coin
Here you will see the effect of heating air and how it contracts when it cools!
This experiment is adapted from the new book from NewScientist by Mick O'Hare How to Fosseilise your hamster
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