Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Friday, May 09, 2008


Back of Cop Car!
Police Station to get my bike back
Police Pound!

Well the most bizarre thing happened to me the other day, quite unbelivible!

I'm more or less a goody two shoes and play by the book, but some times when I ride my Vespa I carry a passanger, ok I know technically I'm not supposed too but sometimes you just gotta, well guess what!

I got stopes by the police for carrying a passanger WTF! Why would they do that, I am legal and ride a powerful brand new mint 2008 Vespa. I mean don't the olive have criminals to arrest then harrass a law abiding citizen.

Jezzz the cops took my vespa away and my keys gave me a ticket and a court order! So now I paid lots of cash for the police pound to release my vespa, got all my documets checked at the station! And awaiting for the court hearing! Likly to be points and a fine! FUCK

All this at the worst time possible ever!



Sent from my iPhone


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