Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Exchange Program - sign of possibility

Well after gaint essay like emails back and forth with the Hong Kong Polytechnic School of Design, i managed to get them to agree to look at are applications even though its very very late. I carnt belive the incompenrtance of my course director in sorting out the matter. he was supposed to send are portfilios and applications off back in october, but guess what! HKPU have recived nothing from us!

OMG i could'nt belive it, how could panch let us down, this exchange program is my future, it means everything to me.

i have taken all the responsibility for this exchange it is me who is constantly communication with the HKPU and sending of all applicatiosn and having to upload massive portfolios to the internet.

well what more can i say, im really really angree with the UCE at the slugish behaviour. i think i will make an formal complaint, even though it will proberly do nothing apart from comprimise my future.

on another note,

HAPPY EID to EVERYONE (muslim festivel)

this eid dos'nt feel special as are reletives are on holiday back home in bangladesh, check that out i said backhome funny huh.

Anyway check ya later.

p.s Thank you - Ms Wing Wong


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