Xmas Day at the MiAh Household
well today was a blast, not in a sarcastic way either. it was very christmasy with a Giant sized massive meal then after lots of prezent giving and also christmas songs.
the whole family was round are house thats seven of us which is a nice change.
Wow thats very personal for a blog or what an family potrait.
i got lots of cool qurky stuff which i love. below is a group shot of the gifts that i recived baring in mind that there was only my two bros and one of my sisters giving any gifts. but thats still cool cos it means at least three presents each, but i got more like 5 whooo.
Nice talking King Kong!(from saiman) and Expensive Gears to fix my Bike (from Shamin)
and a crazy pealing thing, from china its like so cool i tried it and pealed a mango and it really worked! WOW. my brother & Sister got it for me thank you all.
is christmas really all about giving, hummmmm! could well be, but weres my Nintendo Wii which i wanted, arhhhh give me one now! only joking but i still want one. dame things are sold out every where, maybe i could get my hands on one aboard when im on exchange. But is that reallly going to happen? i truly wish, i'm trying every thing in my power. thats all i can say for now as the thought of me not going is unbarable.
Any whay looking forward to are traditional mountain hike, tommorow that we do every christmas.
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