Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

3rd Day in Hong Kong!

WOW! thats all i can say, it really is like WOW!

yesterday i started feeling like things here were getting a little too much, i started on think was this all for me! I was thinking the unthinkable and considering dropping out!

Today changed all that, it was amazing! I had a late start toady and went around Kowloon, i found amazing shops with amazing stuff. The main things i bought were cuttlery and plates etc i also found a few supermarkets were i did some grocery shopping which was very good as i need some real food.

i went to a stationary shop as well to day and it was amazing they have everything really everything!

Look at all the prize machines WOW!

Brand New Toy Project

The best part of the day was UNI i was dreading uni today cos of yestodays class, whcih made me feel really small. Todays class was compleatly different the traacher is from france and he is a famous toy designer who was born in japan and works in the toy industry for many years.

I met new class buddies as well today, people in hk have there native names and english names one of the guys i made friends with was ricky hes cool and said he'll help me out. How arsom.

I was also put in a group for the project with another exchange student from automotive Design. which is cool as im starting to lean how to draw cars.

Dont get me wrong this project is really really hard and its gonna take some really hard elbow greace to even scrape a pass. but i can tell you thins ourse is ganna be fun, it was like a dream come true in terms of design briefs and teaching methouds.

The weather is really really hot its like better than english summer! but i dont want it to get any hotter, the hk people think its really cold now and ware big jackets but its so hot there mad.

as i write this its 4.30 in the morning as i could'nt sleep, its just started to rain the first time i've seen rain here! its like tropical and stuff whooo.

anyway the main point im trying to get to is that im starting to loving it. I konw its going to be very hard but i can say that things are looking positive and i am again ready to tackel the world!

I have a day off tomorow so i'll proberly go exploring, but i cant foget that i have 2 projects to start this week, so i have to start my time managment!

Hong Kong is the Land of Dreams!



At 12:36 am, Blogger Saiman said...

Looks like some rush hour style stuff going on!


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