Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

HackShop – Meeting Philip Duffy Head Designer at WowWee Toys!

O My Goodness, today was long I just got in and its 11.45pm I went to unit at 8.45 that means that I was in for 14 hours and 15 mins That’s crazy! I can barely type without closing my eyes.

Anyway to day was the Toy Hackshop (Toy Destruction & Construction) it was amazing and very long I felt so so sleepy by the end when it was demonstration time! I thought my Critter was decent but by far wasn’t the best!

The highlight of the day was getting the entire workshop 12 hours from Philip Duffy Head Designer at WowWee Toys LTD which crated such toys as the robosapian etc.
He been working for wowWee toys for 13 years and it was him who totally design the Robosapian! How cool is that!
Look what I got, its going in a display case asap!

Look a random video from today! More on my youtube!

After class we headed to the metropolis and about 10 of us had a meal and I kindly had the girl in my class who is the only veggie in HK show me what’s nice to eat! Which is nice for a change no more sea food surprises!

Blogalog Later



At 1:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That phil duffy! I hoped u cussed him about his spazzy leg movement on his designs. You get more detail on a indian tin-toy!

What did u get? couldnt make it out, an autograph?

Can you say "i am a vegetable" yet?

At 10:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which one did u make?! toys rock!


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