CHINA IS AMAZING - Over Nighter!!!!! - Protos factory visted!
Well my impresstion of china has compleatly changed!
remember my preveous post when i siad i hate china, well now i Love china!!!
its all about who your with!
Any way we started the day with a PROTOTYPE factory viseit in Shenzhen, China, the same prototype workshop the robosapian was made.
we had compleate freedom in what we do and what we can see, the tutor design a push puppet and thats what we made it took 45 people 6 working hours to make, thare were many processes painting polishiing milling lathing construction it took for eva!!! and its just one TOY
it was finished to sales/merchandice quility so just like how the ready thing would look like!
some of us guys/gals even went out exploring the village/town the workshop was bases in, very very amazing and compleatly differnt to what i expected it was very old fashedned with many shanti town style living and many happy people running small buissnesses. very peaceful but hard life.
so that was fun part two next!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Thats hot stuff! China look sphat i like the idea of shanti towns.
Good Good, proper china!
IS that prototyping service normal?
Did they really get 45 people working just for that little toy, who paid for it?
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