Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday 2nd MSR Teleconfrence!

Well today was another stressful day of judgement!
But to tell the truth it went quite smoothly!

We stayed up till the early hours figering the system interface out and system functions. so it was a long and labourius sunday night, monday morning! but we did get there in the end.

I woke up extra ealey today as i had to update the IDEAL SPIRIT MSR WEBSITE! with the infomation we gatherd/created last night.

Our group was called up ealry as another group bailed out! so we had to rush!
I was super nurvas as usual, but soon as i started speaking it was fine! Vincent and Lok also did there fair share talking and explaing the system, im very proud of them! Well DONE!

Thats was MSR on the other hand its TOY DESIGN on TUESDAY and i have to hand in a completed video with text insert as well as music and even voice over!

And guess what! its 3.30am tues morning and im just started cutting doen the DV tape! also i The footage is the most unblive non-sense ive seen, so im completly unsure about what the reacton will be! Beacuse of this i dont want to spent to much time doing it! but the fact is that DV edditing takes a life time! for Fing sakes whys life so complecated!

Also! CPD is in for this friday! i have to make a compleate sexy Model prototype of my design and compleate a full on presentation that i will have to presentate in from of many people inc SCOT and BENNY who i respect greatly! So theres big pressure!

ARGHHHHHHHHHH i think im gonna POP!

I best get back to DV EDDITING as if i dont i will get POPPED!

Signing Out


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