Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday April 13th Should i be scared?

Its been a while since ive done anything productive in terms of blogging, ive no time evea to update it with a nice picture of whats going on. maybe later i will take a picture or two!

currently i have a little time! as it friday and i've no tutorials till monday!!!!! Yeahhhhh!!!
ive had a few hectic weeks and i only have 2 weeks of studie left! how crazy!

I need to make a video of uni life in Hong Kong Soon other wise i'll be stupid! really i have to do it soon there really is only two weeks left! but im sure these last two weeks are going to be the most unenjoyable!

Two weeks today i have Three project hand-ins! OMG thats like the most i've ever had, and there no normal projects there HK style so its gonna be HARD WORK!

Im kinda bored right this second! thats why i have time to write this, i'll go to Tsim Sha Tsui for dinner with Jas, after that maybe i'll go studio! see if theres anything happening! Game of warcraft maybe!


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