THAT was a LONG WoRkInG Night!
I didnt get to bed till 5.30am editting like 40 secs of rubbish rush shots of storyboard!
im gonna watch it again now to remind me what it was like! i fot cos it tuesday afternoon now! i hope it amazing and like it got done by it self lol, I relly relly HOPE its amazing and that i did a amazing job on it!
Time will tell!
Last night what happened! i went to uni for a gruop duesscusstion to talk about our failing Microsoft project and still tring to develop a winning idea cos curently its kinda bollocks and not prize worthy!!!!
its time for our thinking caps!
do we have time? ive booked a tutorial for weds it may help us! again only time will tell! we have only 3 weeks to finish the entire project in video sernario RP model Report Reaserch, A0 design board! many many things are required for submission not fogetting the presentation that will be given to MICROSOFT them self!
Remeber thats all one project i have three others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im gonna get even more stressed day by day!!!!
signing off
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