Hong Kong or China?
I met up with a friend in Tai Koo, thats about hour away in east of Hong Kong island. It was rather pointless just to pass time. but the place was quite nice very different to central hong kong in my opinion. we had a light luch and a look around then headed for tourist area Jordan!
its so simple when you have a MTR service a quick hop on and your at the other end of Hong Kong in no time at all.
Jordan is more the area i know as its very close to polyU and where we have lunch sometimes. anyway we chilled around there then passed a massarge place, ok ok i didnt want to go firstly cos its expensive and scondly i just wasnt in the mood. but hey if your local friend wants to go what can i say. so we go in and the rest is history. i have to say is wasnt what i expected.
anyway that too us to the everning where we had dinner and called it a day. then it was back to hall for me. Normaly i would walk back from jordan to halls about 30 - 40 min walk but cos the weather is 32C get a cab but today i thought i would get a crazy death ride mini bus bymyself hehe. to my suprice it was very very conveniant and super quick i was in whampo with in 5 mins! compare that to the 40 min walk in the heat. so did some grocerys shopping and back to halls yeahhhh.
ok now time to talk about LOST! its a loser topic but im a fan! what can i do, not my fault it so interesting. just watched ep21 season 3 and i have to say its getting interesting and i have no idea how its going to end! the story was simple about to come to a end but wham they chuck in a twist! its VERY VERY VERY good and i recomend everyone to watch it!
signing out
hey what naughty 'unexpected' things you been doing in the massage parlour!!!!
whats the minibus death ride about?
surely a minibus would be slower than a cab?
got a picture of one?
Its up to you to think that for yourself. I cant say anything.
Mini Buses, im sure theres an image of one somewhere in this blog inside out.
and there faster than cabs for two resons,
1. no speed rules
2. dont rip you off
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