Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Wild Camping! Mosqutos ARGH!!!!

Well what Friday and Saturday bought with it!

The day started with lack of sleep @ 8am due to just arriving from Macau a few hours before! Its crazy that I agreed to join the wild camp with this lack of sleep as I heard these camps are very tiring ( I find out how true that is later).

I had to do some shopping before going to the wild camp so that took time, the meeting time was 12 o’clock @ PolyU so I was late as usual. Arriving at more like 12.30 I meet up with some of the guys and had lunch then we headed out and got some (A Lot of FOOD) for the camp.

After that we meet up with the rest of the guys, there was Nine of us. The weather was so ridiculously HOT in the regions of 32C. We got the KCR to University station and then got on a ferry heading for our destination TAP MUN.

The hour long boat journey was really nice, the ocean breeze blowing my hair all over the place! We past tons of islands t was so idyllic, its so tropical and quite unbelievable that it was like only a few hours away!

!!WARNING!! All images didn’t turn out well damn colour correction, Sun too bright !!WARNING!!

We finally arrive on the island, it has a small fishing village, it was like so cool and unexpected again! The village had one path through heading to the ‘WILD’ we all had our hiking rucksacks and it was for a reason we stared the journey with a 30min Hike thought the beautiful surroundings, it may sound fantastic but add the 33C temp and 20KG Rucksacks and then the 30mins turns to hrs!

We arrive! To our camping spot! It was amazing truly amazing! Just look at what we could see! Jaw dropping! The colours is so messed I wanna photoshop it now Grrrr.

And way it was really nice, Suddenly the sky turned black within a few muintes, the other new straight away what was about to happened and started to throw everything into the tent that was up! And then everybody jumped into the other two half built tents! Really the tents were only half built and a Storm had arrived!

It was crazy we were battering with mother nature, it was proper tropical rain fall! Like real cat and dogs. But we could’nt hide forever as the tents couldn’t take it and some of us had to go out and finish building the tents! OK you can tell how the rest go’s!

It was a nice night we all gather and relaxed and ate true HK style Chicken Rice with mushrooms and lots of Dim sum’s! it was a nice experience, very rare and appreciated. After the meal we went to wash the dishes, in the pich black wild, so torches out and umbrellas to the ready! It was anther trek n the night in the rain, can you ask for more FUN!

Then we chilled and the next day we woke with the heat of the SUN killing us, again another fest of noodles and sandwiches then relaxing in the sun realizing how FUKING PAIN FULL Mosquito bite can be when you have at least 85!! Massive Bites SO FUCKING PAINFULL SKRATCHY FUCKERS! AWWWWW.

Anyway it was cool, we packed up later, and heading for the village were we had lunch and well needed ICEY drinks.

It was all so peaceful, in a lovely setting. When we were waiting for our ferry the skys turned again and wam bam, it cam down proper! Lucky for us the ferry arrived to collect us! Yeahhhh!!! It was an very new and enjoyable experience camping with these new friends that I have made in this fantastic country, I have enjoyed it and hope it won’t be a last.


At 9:59 pm, Blogger Saiman said...

Dude!!!!!!!!! this all look soooooo cool! omg so cool! haha big bites OUCH!!!!!!!! painful!

tell me more later!

At 10:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that crazy paved path looks so WILD and relentless...LOL

putting up tents in storms eh? oh what fun..

what was wrong with the picture colours btw?


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