Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Its been a long day the video is still not complete although is very near completion!
It just needs a voice over, I had a digital one but it’s a bit electronic for my liking so I may have to get some person to do it!
All I know is that im frigging so tired it hurts I can barley keep my eyes open and I have so much other work to do!


The chance of winning the Microsoft competition are next to nothing Wright now, my group and I have been to busy to do anything for the project cos ours group has members of TOY DESIGN class which we have the presentation for in a few hours!
Its so so screwed, cos the MSR presentation is on Monday and we don’t even have a design nor a complete user interface! Let alone a video scenario nor a 15min presentation!


I don’t really mind it’s the experience that counts I found out one massive thing and its that I LOVE HONG KONG and that’s the main thing that I would like to concentrate on!

I wanna sleep so much! My eyes are falling!

I think I best go check on james and see what he is doing, it’s the model, it needs repainting cos it started to crack! And its in for tomorrow!

I think I am just gonna keep typing till james comes back cos otherwise I have to wait which is a wast of time that I don’t have and I quite enjoy typing. Its nice to do and easy and it looks like im typing out an essay. Which is cool, it also means I can read it in many years too come and I will be amazing at the things I am writing.

This enterys starting to become very long I wonder how it would look on my blog.

What can I do right now? Im in the studio, abount half of the class in here also, its labor day so shops arnt open and its 2am in the morning!

Signing off


At 6:41 pm, Blogger Saiman said...

Writing is a thing of genius! documenting life makes sense like a photograph does words do also but let the mid make up colours and sernarios.

Go look for cool things to bring back with ya! hehe

At 4:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this was long but cool!!!!!!!

At 4:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Seems such a long time ago, it was very kool all of it even tough most of the "working" time i wanted to scream!

but who are you?


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