LG Hi-Macs Design Contest 3RD PLACE WINNER!
I have done it i managed to come 3rd place in the United Kingdom LG Hi-MACS AWARDS!
more will be said soon.
more will be said soon.
Here is the Press release from LG featuring all 1st place winners work from each individual Country!
The overall winner was the Ceazh Republic
My design should of been there aswell, but what can one do, my design was too expensive to fabracate so i didnt follow the guild lines properly so this was the reason i didnt get selected as the UK winner.
My work and the UK winners will be show at New Designers Exibihtion London july 10th-13th 2008. Email me for details : chemicalmiah@hotmail.com
Oh congratulations, well done show us your designs!!!
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