The silence before the storm!
Somthing Strange has happened, theres a mistious feeling around like somthing big is going to happend, the silence before the storm is here waiting to explod.
Anyway i have handed in my dissitation and my final year project report so i'm as free as i'll ever be in this year from the looks of it. as a week today im going to have to really start on my final year porject and make sure its a very good project. I also have my website to do, my CV and organize the exerbition i'm having in london at new designers, FUCK theres alot to do aint there.

Anyway with some of the free time i have i decided to play a Wii Game, not a heavy gamer myself so itd not a hobbie. But this game attracted me, it just got released and the BoxArt looked kool, manga style so i decided to get it to add to my forever expanding collection of 30+ wii games.
Anyway it has to be one of the best single player wii games i've played for a long while since Resedent Evil.
Its so so graphic heavy and intense visuals always keep you wanting more and the big thing is its a 18 certificate! so theres swaring and sexual refereances which is nice for a wii game for a change instead of bunnies jumping around.
Its so so graphic heavy and intense visuals always keep you wanting more and the big thing is its a 18 certificate! so theres swaring and sexual refereances which is nice for a wii game for a change instead of bunnies jumping around.

PS3 now this is a console which has had a long of neglect as every game seems so fucking lame, but after playing this one its made me warm up to the console that forced me to sell it 1 hour after owning it.
Devil May Cry 4 is a nicely though out games with very high quility visuals, very fantasy and a little homo. but it is a game that is very playable and is a game i would consider to be in the top 3 PS3 games!
Gaming a side there has been many things going on myside, imprtantly i thing i wil lbe able to travel this summer as a long hard job i've been working on has paid off so enough change to travel.
Also Casinos, i have found it an educational experiance and feel i will be traverling to them alot more. gaining a few winnings this week i feel theres a system and its easyly fooled. ready to hit Macau Casinos this summer yeahhhhhhhhhhh.
Thats me
Argh man you've played the games I want to have a go at!!!
I want to play No More Heroes and Devil May Cry 4!!
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