My day off yet I came back form UNI at 12.45am!

Well today was crazy, the latest ive i've ever stayed at uni in my life, I didnt leave till 12.45am the nextday!
we all have a project to hand in in the morning and everyone was going nuts trying to make there interaction cubes!
my team:
Lok - Daniel - Ho - Me
made some amazing cubes better than expected! i'll put pictures of them on the net in the morming!

Anyway i love the long hours at uni cos over here everyone so friendly its like a massive family which i am part of more and more everyday! i did'nt stay on after 12.45 though but a quite a lot of others are still there working at there cubes!
anyway so tired gotta sleep
OMG thats late! longest i stayed at uni was till 10pm u won me by 2.45hrs! ill beat it dont u worry! i wanna se pictures!
Urmm we have importent sad news to tell you.... give ya a call in da morning!
Yay, ur not embarassed of your camera!
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