Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Thursday, February 15, 2007

31st Day In HONG KONG! Day of Presentation!

Oh my, it was the moment of truth today. The reason i have had little sleep all week!
we finished it, our system and interface with entire system flow and Infomation Models. its been a mission, but finaly we can sleep, no wait we have a toy deadline to do for the morning!
that did'nt stop the Warcraft/Mojho (spelt compleatly wrong) Celibration taking Place!

a very early basic system flow of are system!

I had a nap just now and am starting to getting on with this hand in for the morning!

Oh and the new year celebrations start tommorow! and im on holiday for 5 DAYS and so far i have very litle plans, but be sure i will find somthing amazing to do.

Gotta keep on, Gotta Gotta Keep on Working!



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