Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Monday, February 12, 2007

Never Expected the Day to last so Long!

Its my class at 1am in the morning. I have been in all day completing assiginments and just chilling with my new friends.
I love hong kong i've never had the chance just to chill and relax with my class mates in england! but here were always chill and we chats all night. i love it!
Today was just chilling and enjoying being with people who are amazing in my opinion.
I will Write soon Laters


At 6:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


soz bozz

At 11:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

have just read everything from day 1, it all sounds so cool and amazing. so glad you are happy and having fun. can't believe you have been eating octopus legs and crab eggs!who would have thought it!take it easy shafla x

At 2:46 pm, Blogger GeekStars said...

Whooo! Whats up Shafla long time no hear!

Keep in touch and keep on reading about my Life in Hong Kong!

Cya in half a year-ish



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