Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mong Kok - Computer Shopping

DAY 23
Class today was late start as its tuesday so i decided i'll try catch up on some coursework! so i headded to uni earlyish. The uni day went ok, as its quite stressful knowing the amout of work that is required.
After uni at 7-8ish Kichi and Lok took me to Mong Kok to show me around the computer and comic shops, its compleatly crazy the amout of stuff and the vibe-ing streets full of amazing people. I LOVE HONG KONG its so amzing.
i also had a sample of hong kong street food, it was very nice just like pancakes in England buy here there more intresting as the pancakes look like Honey Combs well cool.
Well im shatterd and need sleep as i have an 9am start tommorow and i have to show the guy form america my work! OMG


At 6:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOme fag is advertising!

Oh i really want some street vendor food! sounds yum. Buy me a crazy/mental/disturbing comic next time u go and some general stuff plz. sadi uv been there forages and u aint sent anything! me pissed!

eat some more pancakes!

At 10:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

send several parcels without delay!

Im about to buy some markers, might aswell get em of you.

Make a big box of markers, nintendos, $1 toys, casio watches, cameras, robots, etc etc


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