Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Friday, February 02, 2007

Why do the Scool of Deisgn Give Me so much Work!

Thats it i have become stressed, somthing i didnt want to become but Oh My Days, the work load has become Crazy today, well and turly messed up stuff.

I now have Four fully fleged projects running, and its mostly self directed work which is driving me mad as i am not used to doing work.

forget that stuff, what else happened today, well its friday and i finiehed uni early today at 12 but i think my class mates are arwsome so i hang and had lunch with dem. then watched some disturbing japanese short movies untill 4. then i headded back home. i had a catch up sleep till 8 then i decided it time to strat some of the crazt work. i have only 1 and a half pages of skeching. SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!!!

Oh and i think i have been fully excepted as one of there own, as they have started to take the mick out of me like they do with everyone whos a good friend. Whooo!!!!

the vis is of a very regular lecture at the PolyU, very relaxed and in depth!!!!

i am free this week end maybe i will do work or somthing not sure yet. but it seems i have no plans dam. but in england thats normal i have never had any free time the whole time i've been here so maybe thats why im getting behind in my work! its time to fix this problem!

Bye for now, expect a very boring weekend blog entry!



At 8:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

guns are bad! try a tank. Lessons seem fun

At 9:28 am, Blogger Nikonu said...

Why can't our lessons be like that?


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