Saturday, March 31, 2007
It was proper! us guys left the rest of the class and headed for Shenzen china. we were all new to this experiance but all of us were local Hong Kongys, only Kaichi new his ropes so he was are tour guide!
CHINA IS AMAZING - Over Nighter!!!!! - Protos factory visted!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
35 Hours All Nighter!!!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Model Making - Toy Design
anyway it still drive arwsom and drifts lol!
i strap on a sony DV handycam and drove it around the studio and workshop and crash the camera went flying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its ok the camera suvived! lol
Anyway im going to miss my CPD lsson tommrow cos i had to to personal tech work to make up for it!
Its the day i have to make the resentation for the inrim review! i have to come up wth a really good concept for our tatgte user and give a full demonstaration presentation inc sernarios and how and what the product its!!!!!
were starting after lunch tommrow so its gonna be a all nighter like the presenation a few weeks ago......
Monday, March 26, 2007
I found an effective relief
Is called shopping, Sham Shui Po style!
Basically the day went crap and I was told off by my tutors and told that I’m a smart guy and to snapping in to shape.
After that a whole lot of stressing. Then after a while I decided to go get a toy car!!!!!
So I rounded up a group of mates and we left poly to go to sham shui po!!! Bargain central.
We spent over three hour just looking at stuff and all of us buying a whole load of stuff.
After that we had supper in Jordan (area) not ugly model lol.
Then I went back to poly and did a time plan that took me 3 hours to do after that I was skidding up the class with the toy car whoo! Just like I imagined Hong Kong to be like.
Any way its 2.30 im clocking off so cya/blogya tomorrow!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
well i've finally done it i've moved out! in to my new room. So far so good, no problems just a litle issues with roommate as he is a little too friendly as expected.
before i continue i have to say READ POST BELOW THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!
ok i'll contunie after i finisied moving out i went and booked me a paino session it was kool nice yamaha Painos after that i watched LOST instead of going CLUBBING IN HK i did this cos tonight not everybodys going so wont be so much fun and yet the price was the hiest ive seen it
so its now 2pm i had a lot of work and rest to day so time for PLAY and UNI work tommrow! and soon i will have my MINI losi cos of the savings i made not going clubbing!
p.s will post pic of room in morning!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Kenny Beleay - Ladies Market - Cinima - Arcades
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Are panic at the Disco!
Monday, March 19, 2007
i wote a nice long blog today but i pressed submit and is got erased FU*K BIT(*H I hate the new blogger AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Oops im turning yellow!

Saturday, March 17, 2007
well today was chilling i had to wake up early to collect my passport as i was supposed to collect it yeastoday but i collected it late. i got it and handed ova my cash :( £70 mom and dad pay up please!
after that it was off to polyU and meet up with class mates, and lucnh in standered TST then chatted with a real product design who works for allisse, ODM etc
then every one left and it was off to mong kok with vincent who tooke me to specialist model centres and then too alll the RC shops where i just couldnt stop twictching and looking at the latest mini losi its crazy 1/32 scale.

anyway today was koolish but tommrows gonna be a hell of a lot of streess.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Well today started @ 10.30am cos i had to sleep longer thatn usual due to lack of sleep for the last 45 Hours because of the MSR presentation! It was a killer event which required so much hard work! really we did an all nighter and i couldnt stop swaring!
anyway today
started with toy lcture boring recap session of our presenataions on tuesday.
After that i had supper OUTSIDE with a few mates
than played warcraft with the class for many hours
and then to end teh everning went with (kay + worm) coolest indie kids around for dinner at a restrant where i ate a meat plater of pork,chickn,duck,beef,lamb sea criture and that was just for starters after that many many more plates of meat kept flying at us!
i went with Kay the vegitirian!
everything there was vegitarian all made from soya, its crazy there was so many different types! very posh and expensive!
i only really liked the fake duck as it was crispy like somosas.
anyway after that we met up with a few others and watched 'Laberinto del Fauno, El '

It was arwsome def worth the second watch! but i did remember every scene as its was such a good film.
any im back at halls now its nearlt two so i better sleep as i have to collect my passport tommrow from the travel agents!
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Its been a very unintresting day! Wasteful

MSR Website Made! Storyboards
Finaly the MSR website is ready for content. I will indroduce this MSR thing to all yous when i feel you are ready but it is one of the biggest best thing to take part in.
Woke up at 3.30pm as the day before i got up at 5am so i had to recope some energy.
made site,
whet to uni did storyboards and went to viatnamese restrant and had lamb curry.
what a boring post with no image aswell!
editted due to an anonymous internet users requests. (this site is no longer being updated, its a diary of events that took place a long time ago)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
5am till 1am what a day almost 24 Hours

This project is Quite intense and is really challenging us to think about what we are doing.
I have toy ddesign in the moning were i must get a presentation together ready with full storyborads and toy details ready for manafacture.
Peace out, Hello Kat
Friday, March 09, 2007
Meeting Ians parants!
Well today started at 10am had a meeting to start lots of work. didnt get there till 11 which is bad.
I dont have an image today: Sorry
anyway got lots to do, i have to get up at 5am tommrow gotta reaserch in victoria park tai chi.
so gotta sleep, so full of food can't move!
Big shouts to Ians parants!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Feeling Free! Well after the stree of CDP im now relaxed!

Today we have the Microsoft kick off, with a live viseo confence with microsoft. But no really cos microsoft havernt got a webcam! were gonna have the confrence in 6 days time. its really hard work this microsoft project but hay its a group with friends so its cool.
Im starting to relaxing as the work load has lessend, in the past few days.
Im tired gotta do toy design in the morning so gotta go.
Wedsday 7th March 2007 - Day of Presentation!

This was the intrim presentation, where we had to show all are work that we had done. which sounds better than it is. it was acualy very difficult to do. i hadn't even started with it till the everning before. so that means that i did a 8 week projct in 1 night! it was hard core and i thought that i was in for it and was gonna get kicked off the course!
When i arrived in the morning to the presentation i was even more scared as it was a small intimate room! we were practicaly face to face. now this was fuking stupid sorry to sawre but for god sakes the day i have a rubbish weak presentation thay put us in the intimate presentation room!
It was time to face the music, i went after a very good presentation that was proper. It was my turn and i was like OK then if im gonna get shot im getting shot with confidance, so i rare when up stated my presentation and flowed it talking bull and showing off my untalanted 3d forms/products. AND GUESS WHAT? Thay Liked It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow yeah yeah yeah.
The rest of the everning i was at ease and started the other microsoft project with my mates.
Peace out till 10 sec when i'll start todays blog!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
presentation in a few hours, not finished and is a pile of bollocks.
im gonna get shamed!
i wish thay love it!
i even have a script that i have to read cos im so confussed!
Monday, March 05, 2007
The true meaning of hard work.
When work is productive and you peoduce more than you could ever of imagend.
But hard work is when things take much longer than expected and you produce just ok work!
This is what Hong Kong is Like.
Ive just got in from long day @ uni started 7.30am anf ive arrived home 4.40am the next day. this is the true meaning of hard work. i have and early start tommrow so i have to head to bed for a cupple of hours!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Kill Me! Wow I have got myself into a giant mess!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Chatting is Pro-Active ani't it?

wow how was one to think that he could do so much little in one day!
Much Little this is my efinistion of this day. More Little!
i spent the entie awake day just chatting. thats correct just chatting. i learnt many new things like many of the people on my IPD caourse are succsessful Prduct designers before thay started the degree! many of them have products in production.
my food today was tea, Japanese full on meal inc fresh grilled chicken on a stone. which to be honest was the best japanese food i have tasted! im starting to like japanese food especially Hot wasaabi green stuff on top lol.
and Ice Cream twice.
that was my day today. chatting
gtg need sleep for my boring first hard working day tommrow! dont think i will ahve anything intresting to say.
Friday Part 3 of 3 - The feelings fine
Well the concert finished @ 10.10pm and i headed stright to the studio to meet up with the gang to get the party started!
i headed a little later with the friendly locals to Lan kiwi fong. wehre we ment the others.
from that point on it was rather booming.
the story is it was mega fun i got tipsy (last time for along time, dont worry) night ended in the morning when could bearly stand. had kobabs i thinks.
then when halls with.
WOOOW thats was fun, its good to be social and its social unacceptable not to go out! (quote James Burgess 2/3/07)
Friday Part 2 of 3 - Eric Fung Concert
Well its was very amazing. its started with the PolyU orcistera which are very good not rubbish students types. The venue was amzing and yet still within the campus! PolyU Jockey Club.
I gotta say i wasnt expecting the high profetionalism. this was a classy event!
it started @ 8pm whcih i needed to run for as i only got back from the peak @ 7 OMG.
it was worth it thought i wasnt going to go cos of where i went later that everning.
Friday Part 1 of 3 - WOW Tutorials

But then we had to go for our 3yr Creaive product design tutorial. and this time this was organized by our Famous Industrial Design tutor Scot Lauhton. we meet at victoria Peak. we got the tram up to the top which was cool as its like a roller coaster type thing.
anyway We had had our 3.30hour for 6 of us tutorial where we had to show are designs and things. its was like very professinal yet relaxed. its what success ful product designners and there managers do.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

well today we started the second microsoft comp, this one is a massive deal as the winning group from our class thats 1 out of 7 chance of winning is going o get to go to Microsoft seattle USA to compeate with 6 other universitys from around the world!
this is a very big deal, the HONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVESITY has been chosen as one of the graduating unic=versitys to take part in this comp. and for us this is an amazing ertunity.
on the other hand i am doing another microsoft comp for another subject wich is very simular but hay its microsoft its all cool!
image above a concep for other micros soft comp.
im knakerd
sleep time
3.30am friday morning