6.30am START oooohhh my was that difficult! Had to use the 1hr to sprint in order to get ready, packing for the diving and for the costal exploration (hiking) so there was a far bit to get ready.
anyway we headed off at 8.30 sharp (could of told us it would be like that before!) we headed for the speed boat at the harbor in Sha Tin to get the boat to Tung Ping Chau.
It was a very very nice day the sun shining but not too humid, so was nice for once.
Thats the island and just behind it is china mainland! its so close to china its hard to belive its part Hong Kong. Its that beach right there we did our costal expolration (diving and coral reef studies)
a actural picture taken at the reef from someone else camera. it was buch better his is just a rubbish example. the waters clear! and you can even find Sea Erchins! (spiky animals)
after the diving and coral reef part, it was time to go Hiking around this tiny island right next to china mainland. it was very very idilic, it was tropical blue. the heat was intense but the humidity was low so it felt nice! really thats a massive change to hong kong.
The hike was not hard as expected, it was nice and simpleish apart from climbing down a clif. but otherwise very cool!
After we finished all activitys we had ice fruit drinks Yeahhhhhh!!!!!!!
then we took the speed boat back to hong kong,
I decided to go up to the top deck and chill, after a while a was snoozing, proper nice, cool fresh brezz and warm sun, nice! but now i feel burnt! stinging a little lol.
It was a kool day and now i know how to dive and use diving gear! Which will come in handy this Thuresday when im heading to hanina for a Scuba Diving Trip!
Signing out,
that eye reflection pic completely twisted my melon!
You look surprisingly different now, I think you face is thinner but I cant really make it out behind that hat. you should make use of HK and adjust your attire.
Nice to see your all clued up on you marine biology - "spiky animals" - classic.
whats the deal with that trip then - some sort of studying holiday? did you buy it as a package?
Yeah well it all looks incredible, did you manage to get a pic of yall in your diving gear?
that'd be cool to see!
And WTF you doing with a PS3!!!
lol... You played with it yet?
Its a refelction so it disstorts the image a little.
the trip was a package organized my one of the hall wardans, a very cool lady!
bargain trip at only £7.50! i spend more then that every day on a single meal!
Diving pics are coming soon, one of the leadrers had a water proof digi cam, and will up soon!
PS3 not mines, but played with it in the shop and its KOOL!
expensive though in my mind!
fucking sweet picturs man!
looking good too! slightly ghetto! hehe
nice work nice holiday and speed boats, whoa! sounds like so so much fun! gosh u got it so good!
help me out with my exchange please!
everything seems so right! well done for learning to be cool! lol
ps3 lol cmon grow up and get a Wii hahaha
yeah more pictures would be nice
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