Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Foshan China Mainland Trip!

Day 1
Soon after writing the last post we went to meet JiaJie’s grand parents as we were invited to dinner. We took a cab there, not far but it’s hot to walk. I was warmly welcomed into the family home and met JJ’s family. There all so friendly and I really like them all.
JJ’s grand parants home is in a traditional stlye home in the city, very attractive like a hill top home in italy. But with a modern inside.

Later JJ’s father took us back home, then jj took me on his motorcycle to cruise the city so cool, we went to a the mall with the giant ball on the top. Was kool bought my new eyes for looking cool. Then had drinks in the square chilling. All so cool, after we decided to go for a massage as we had a long day. It was a Chinese medicine style massage so very proper (not like HK) so relaxing. After we headed back crusing on the motorcycle for a sleep as we still needed to get up early as we were invited for lunch tea by JJ’s grand parents.

Day 2
Family day,

Ahhhhh so nice sleep, a real bed in a real room with real air con. LOVE IT! Over six months in student halls in asia is a little to long for liking.

We met his grand parants in a tea restrant in the centre, where we had a very traditional style Chinese style food eg dim sum and fish etc. very nice and very appreciated as it was organized specially for us. So nice people.

During tea JJ’s cousin Kwon joined us on his lunch brake from school, after we had lunch we left together with kwon and jj took me to the famous temple in Foshan, where the world renowned marsal arts expert is from. This guy was supposed to be really good, he even was the master of legend Bruce Lee.

After such a kool experience, we had drinks then headed back to jj’s to get ready and to meet jj’s parants to take us to the giant family gathering at a gaint restrant where a privert room was booked specialy for this gathering. It was quite amazing, so many new peoples, I was’nt shy at all, meeting and greeting peoples, most people said wow so handsome, that’s what made me a little embarrassed. I met so many peeps there, even JJ’s young mates and cousin’s half from England aswell so can talk English.

Us guy chatted and managed to organise a family outing for the next day! After the the dinner us guy decided to go prawn fishing! Yeah really prawn fishing! So cool! We headed out in leo’s car and he took us to a prawn catching place. So traditional and amazingly cool experience. Just chilling around the pool, catching the most gaint prawns ever that scared me so much as there so amazing with arms and claws! Taking them of the hooks was a joke in itself, the prawns will use there claws to bite you when you go near the them so you have to brake there arms off first then take the hook out there mouth, very funny when it moves as I chuck the dame thing! After we caught loads (I caught over ten! The most I think) we take them to BBQ them so fresh! Then again more relaxing and chilling. Catch and BBQ prawns is some really amazing activity that you just cant do in England!

Day 3
White Water Rafting in the Chinese Mountains!

Yep that’s what our activiy was! We all got up at 5.30am so very little sleep as we just got in a few hours ago! We all got ready in the JJ household, and left to meet the rest of the friends and family that will join us on this amazing outing!

We started with brakefast at a tea reastrant (dim sum etc) then we all got into are amazing posh rides and we started our adventure! And what a adventure it was!

1) Tea restrant
2) Car trip across china
3) Amazing mountains tons of waterfalls and we rafted all 4.8km of them (2hours non stop!). (lets just say if this was England no one would be allowed to ride the rapids and waterfalls. But here people have guts and everyone is doing it! It was incredible!
4) late lunch
5) Lychee picking
6) Dinner
7) Car trip back
8) Get ready for a night out!
9) Meeting Hot girls, getting pissed, Living!
10) Getting taken home Pissed!

An Unbelievable day!

Day 4
Tour of Gounzhouh
Today we meet Kwon for a day trip in Guanzho we started this day at 9.45
Dinner in Foshan out doors but with class.

Day 5
My friends massive massive factory! below my friends 1.4 million Yuan Car

Japanese Restrant

Driving Devine Cars

Factorys, amazing stuff! i will write a report on this vistet as it was amazing!

Dinner with Leo and the gang

chinese foot massarge to end the night

Day 6
Got up late, had dinner/Breakfast then meet with the others where we had a look around the computer shopping mall. Like sham Shu Po, but better as it was like central shopping mall.
the we headed back to JJ where i packed and meet up with the others where thay playe donline games!




At 9:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats so fucking sick man! prawns woooooooooooo! and girls a ood mix me says.

water rafting! jesus ur doing it all!

motorbikes woo!

jj's family sounds awesome

still enjoy urself!

At 8:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We wuv you mister hanswom, he so big and strwong.

Girls & Sake very very wrong!


its like you read my mind,

Doing adventure sports in mainland is so the best thing you couldve done.

You do water rafting in the mountains, prawn catching via driving around in 1.5mYN mercedesez!!

- Kudos my friend. You are on another level.

Jiajies family so seem sound, evryone does!


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