Paradise in Hainan Day 2

This day was Crazy!!!!!!!!!
I would have never imagined how good this day could have been!
We started with an all you can eat breakfast! Good stuff!!!
Then we got ready and our sound tour guide arrive with nice transport as usual! We told him what we wanted to do and then off we went!
We wanted to Scuba Dive so first stop was to the jetspeed boat docks where we all got on and then the boas shot off across the sea jumping up and down on the waves! Proper Kool!!!! We arrive at an outer lying island. Where we got off and we meet by the activitys people. Where were shown the options that were available to us and we all decided that we wanted to do the amazing Boat Dive! This was the expensive option but looked so amazing so we could miss out!!!!!!!!!!!
We all got changed and put on our wet suits to protect us against the coral and some of the sea creaturs! The we had an lesson on Scuba diving, Pay attention!!!!!!!
And off we went another speed boat trip to a floating platform where we were meet but many divers how kitted us out with all the gear and each of us were given a professional diver to teach us and guide us.
I would have never imagined how good this day could have been!
We started with an all you can eat breakfast! Good stuff!!!
Then we got ready and our sound tour guide arrive with nice transport as usual! We told him what we wanted to do and then off we went!
We wanted to Scuba Dive so first stop was to the jetspeed boat docks where we all got on and then the boas shot off across the sea jumping up and down on the waves! Proper Kool!!!! We arrive at an outer lying island. Where we got off and we meet by the activitys people. Where were shown the options that were available to us and we all decided that we wanted to do the amazing Boat Dive! This was the expensive option but looked so amazing so we could miss out!!!!!!!!!!!
We all got changed and put on our wet suits to protect us against the coral and some of the sea creaturs! The we had an lesson on Scuba diving, Pay attention!!!!!!!
And off we went another speed boat trip to a floating platform where we were meet but many divers how kitted us out with all the gear and each of us were given a professional diver to teach us and guide us.

Started with a practise dive 1 – 2m for 15 just for us to get used to the equipment first!
Then after we were ready we started the Deep Dive we slowly decent and its was amazing really soft coral reef and amazing clown tropical fishes, is was so cool and the fish went scared at all! So good!
While take the picture I touched the corals and maybe a jellyfish which caused me to have a reaction that only lasted 10 mins! So strange! There’s a lesson don’t play with primitive nature! 45mins of Deep sea diving was so cool and an experience that I must not forget. The acent up to the surface of the water really hurted my ears I though thay were gonna pop, the cure is to hold your nose and breath in deep to ajust your ears to the pressure!
After the dive we got the speed boat back
We all headed for the Beach!!!!!
!!!!BEACH FUN!!!!
What more can I say!
Blue sea, White sand, tropical sun, fun people, perfect!
After we got enough beach we, did our third activity of the day! Guess what it was!
Hau Ying below!

We all got a ject ski each and not normal jet skis, but 700cc Yamaha ones, OMG there were so fun! We travelled around the entire island on then! On the wild sea!!!!!
It was the most fun I eva had I think! JETSKING! OMG ONE OF MY DREAM!! About 1hr later we arrive from speeding in the ocean! With very very sore arms and asses! When you press the acesslseration leaver you are thrown back into your seat proper its so powerfull! It was crazy! And the sea wave make it a hell of a ride! Imagen going like 50MPH over sea waves! Yes it was crazy! Flying over sea waves and jumping to hights! I had to stop quite a few time just to rest as it was tireing! Really it was so so good! I WANT A JETSKI!
We were all good and knackerd now, so we had a rest and chilled on the beach, then meet our tour guide and went back to Hainan. We when back to the hotel and got changed and freshened up, then off we when for dinner in the centre of the sanya, tried the traditional duck and chicken! Kool and Eels! It was nice!
We were all good and battered from the amazing day of activitys so we decided to all go for a massarge! It was no normal massarge it was hainan style! Yep it was Intense! 2hrs of getting brused and battered further! Amazing! So relaxing!
After the massage it was back to the hotel, for a nice well earned sleep!
its all so incredible,
whats can I say but........
haha, whats with the 'parental guidance' ???
(you kept the jetski quiet didnt you!)
It was indeed very increadable!
Not my pictures, so Parental Guidance is important!
Jetski OMG thats all i can say!!!!
Fucking awesome! seriously thats some mental stuff u have been doing! iving sounds cool! but really dangerous even the jet skiing cmon u could have broke ur neck dude!
its all crazy! but have fun and keep safe!
teh girl in the pic is me! not Hau Ying
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