Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Paradise in Hainan Day 4

We got up early packed and had another all you can eat! Then tour guide came picked s up, we said good bye to are amazing home for the past 4 days and left! It was intense trip with amazing things and we all really really liked it!

After all the airpot stuff we were back in Hong kong by afternoon. So we all decided to go to to some place in the new terrotoried and get some food together! We had Japanese! I like Japanese food!

Then we all spilt and when our own ways! It was a really nice trip with I hope to redo some day.

Trip score: Very High!


At 11:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how abt Disneyland and Ocean Park~?!

At 10:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trip Score: High

- no fekin doubt,

gotta be off the frikin scale!!

Whos this ^^^shuman^^

is it saiman in a chinese accent?

At 1:41 pm, Blogger Saiman said...

Hi no its not me and fucking hell the holiday is awsome! your doing bare things which is so cool! make sure u dont hurt urself overthere

be safe, be cool and stay in school!


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