Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My day off yet I came back form UNI at 12.45am!

Well today was crazy, the latest ive i've ever stayed at uni in my life, I didnt leave till 12.45am the nextday!

we all have a project to hand in in the morning and everyone was going nuts trying to make there interaction cubes!

my team:

Lok - Daniel - Ho - Me

made some amazing cubes better than expected! i'll put pictures of them on the net in the morming!

Anyway i love the long hours at uni cos over here everyone so friendly its like a massive family which i am part of more and more everyday! i did'nt stay on after 12.45 though but a quite a lot of others are still there working at there cubes!

anyway so tired gotta sleep


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

HackShop – Meeting Philip Duffy Head Designer at WowWee Toys!

O My Goodness, today was long I just got in and its 11.45pm I went to unit at 8.45 that means that I was in for 14 hours and 15 mins That’s crazy! I can barely type without closing my eyes.

Anyway to day was the Toy Hackshop (Toy Destruction & Construction) it was amazing and very long I felt so so sleepy by the end when it was demonstration time! I thought my Critter was decent but by far wasn’t the best!

The highlight of the day was getting the entire workshop 12 hours from Philip Duffy Head Designer at WowWee Toys LTD which crated such toys as the robosapian etc.
He been working for wowWee toys for 13 years and it was him who totally design the Robosapian! How cool is that!
Look what I got, its going in a display case asap!

Look a random video from today! More on my youtube!

After class we headed to the metropolis and about 10 of us had a meal and I kindly had the girl in my class who is the only veggie in HK show me what’s nice to eat! Which is nice for a change no more sea food surprises!

Blogalog Later


Monday, January 29, 2007

Sham Shi Po

Today at uni we had a short toutorial and i was wikid the teacher love my ideas they said that i have the ideas of ten groups! and every thing i said was awrsome and there was nothing thay could improve on!
After that a group of us went to lunch at a massive mega mall, look it had a roller coaster, we missed the time slot to get on :(

After the very tiring shopping, ho took me to the harbor which was nice! then we went to Toys R Us Hong Kong, very crazy and giant!

after the very tireing day out it was back to uni for the orentation which didnt finish till 8.30 then after that a new friend from england and her cool canadian friend and me when to have dinner, thats the second expensive meal today! dam its adding up.

The picture is of a shop we found loads of nicknaks, also in the area is the biggest and chapest outdoor market of wholesale product everything from LED torchs to RC helicopters!

we thats been a 15 hour day im so tired!

Keep Reading about My New Adventures everyday @


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Two Week Anerversery!

What an anti climax today has been! i woke up late bought some screw drivers went out with for a sea food meal with a friend that lives on the same floor as me. came back to halls and watch half of 18 fingers of death that pritty much the enire day!
got uni tomorow early! so chat to laterz

Awesome proper day/night out!


Saturday was awesome proper day/night out!

It was Phat, I started the day waking up late at 12.30. then I went out o get some breakfast and was back by 1.30.

Then at 2 I went and called the others to come out to the party Lok organised for welcoming us to the starting of 2nd semester/leaving party for the guys leaving for an exchange!

We did’nt know what to expect but we all went along to meet the gang at UNi. We arrived at 2.30 and meet up with all the guys and then we all chipped in for some grub. And then split in to groups use lot were going straight to are destination


We arrived and a few of the girls and me and dar went and did some shopping then we all went to the nice’esd beach for the bestest BBQ ever!

I can not really explain it, you have to be there to experience it! It was proper!In the natral stone on the beach there are public BBQs for everyone to use its proper cool, with nartal rock steating etc.

There was like 30 of us having a wicked Party/BBQ we had the three BBQ going and tons of food not crappy English style, but loads of top quality stuff Stakes,Fish,Shell fish,Chicken,Wild Mushrooms, and not just a little bit, we had loads loads loads! No blag.

We all chilled for hours and hours proper nice! In the moonlit beach, white sand beautiful surroundings and glimmering lights in the distance! It was idyllic .
After lots of fun and games we at 11.30 we headed for Causeway Bay for a classy Bar on the 21st Floor in was a privet shin dig just for us lot, proper classy nice moody lighting and perfect size we filled the place, we had a table just for us steating all of us. We spent $$$$$$ in the place it was fantastic we even ordered more classy food, Prawns on Ice and Delux Ice creams Three £50 bottles of wisky etc proper night out!!!! We did;nt leave till 4.30am the next morning

After it all we all strolled home and got a mini bus back home to polyU it was a mega night out which streached till sunrise, the best!

Words do no justice!


Friday, January 26, 2007

12 Days Later! I still in Shock!

Well today was intresting! I had a new class in the morning with an new teacher from the states, his like a really high status designer who was offered a job as chife designer at ido!
anyways then we had toys ans he liked are ideas! after that we went to get cash! on the way in the court year there was a funky Rock band playing how brave and cool! i wish they did that ate the BIAD. thay were doing covers mostly!

The after that we headed for the mong kok markets to get some toys for the hack shop project, we managed to go to practicaly every toyshop in hong kong, inc UML wich is a massive model store! and even toymart that sells every thing. we must of visted over 200 toy store over that pas few weeks.

Im so tired ater all that walking around i managed to get a few goddies from the stores but got raided at the Ladies Market (google it) where i woman managed to make me pay more than i wanted to!!! well.

The we had an Welcoming party for the exchange students and buddys, i met my buddy she 'HOT' shes not from the uni halls shes rich and lives in a mansion with a garden yes a garden.

after all the mingaling i was compleatly drained then my buds wanted to go clubbing but im shatterd so i gave it a miss (thay drink till late 4am), maybe next time.

So peace out


Thursday, January 25, 2007

What is it?

Well today was a very simple day, not much to write about. We had and intresting class today, we had to find out what an object was that was given to each group.

Are object is pictured can you tell what it is?

Basicaly we had lecutres then we had a pleasent long lunch at a nice restrant, i had a Malasian Vegitarian curry, it was nice'ish'. we do like going to restrants maybe cos its a arty fashion reason. there was about 20 of us as usual, i bet the restrant owners make a furtune!

anyway thats sums up the day, that answer to the question is ....... wait for it ...... ok its a ...... naa i'll tell ya in my next entry. till then try guessing


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ten Days - Whooo!!!

Its been ten days since i arrived in Hong Kong and i gotta say its becoming an easy transistion!
Life in hong Kong is pritty aresome, is proper!
anyways today was my day off (wendsdays) and i decided its about time to go collect my student visa from Wai Chi HK Island, i gotta say i was a bit iffy about the whole thing but its was so easy! I simply got the 104 bus for about $9 and it takes you across the harbor then i simply lookd out for Immigration Tower and bobs your uncel i found it.
OMG the sizes of the buildings is crazy! just looking up will make you feel like falling! it was quite cool. i droped of my info then i had 3 hours to kill in HK island so i decided i would go get some lunch at a India restrant so i pull my lonely planet out and i find a india restrant thats about 15 min walk so off i went!

the food was about adverage as it was so expensive! $90 thats a lot of wongga.
after that i went shopping and bought a few items then i colleted my visa yeah!!!! bargain $180 luck i had cash!

then i headed back for PolyU got the bus and i was there! Went to the bank first as i have registatrion fees to pay another $600 Dame my wallets now compleatly emptiy, i have to go bank and get more money to pay my rent!!!!! this trip is costing me soooo muchhhhhh!

but right now everyhting is sorted! got my UNI card and stuff!
Just now i got back from an begging of semester party it was an experiance!!!!!! look at the vid lol.

im gonna run out of romm so i have cut every thing down sorry.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Normal Tuesday!

well today was tuesday, i had a late start at 2.30 so i decided i would sleep in. i woke at 11 and had some food. the its was off to uni for TOY DESIGN with the professinal toy designer Remmi his french but fully fluent in English with no accent and his very good at cananese and fluent in Japanese as thats where he grow up.

After class a few of us guys had dinner as we dont finish till late it was like 7 or somthing. Then after that we went to the world famous Comix Box toy store, it was pritty cool, it was full of vintage collectable toys from really early tin toys to proper rare toys like the Japanese Super Heros.

anyway today was very simple its was a freaking long day i didnt get home till 10 as i had to go shopping for grocerys after we went to comix box. it was and is proberly how most tuesdays are going to be like.

Anway Keep it Locked


Monday, January 22, 2007

Oh My Golly Gosh! What an Aresome Day!

OMG if you are Human you would of loved my day today!

Well it stated pritty simularery them any other a part from the fact that i have a presentation in the morning which i was nerves at the time as i had to give it to the whole new class! i started it then the teacher snached my scriped out of my hands, then i was in the deep end. But freaking hell it was really good. I am a very good speaker and i dont thing i'll use stupid scripts again!

thats was the the school day to day 10am - 4.30pm

But now the exciting part happends, I feel like its a little bit unimpressing for people who are not fully human to understand but for you's who are here you go!

My new best bud 'Ho' thats his name, showed me all the ropes of the MTR & KCR and then we went to mong kok, which i have to say is like to most amazing place in terms of ture Cinimatic Hong Kong Bussy shopping scean. Its tottaly aresome, like propper ramed with people and stuffed with lights and amazing shops.

its gets better, Ho took me to the most amazing art shops ever, there so mega kool and stock everything! sets of 12 ShinHan Markers for £9.50 f**ing amazing. He took me to two different Graphic Art shops both massive and well stocked with skeach books folios paint markers everything.

Then after being blownaway by art supplys, I mentioned to him i would like to buy some speakers, and he then took me to The world famous Mong Kok Computer market, imagen this its a classy fully neon lite one store size entrance with a staire case you go you the flashey stair case and you end up in the mose advanced massive computer shopping centre, every thing was very thightly packed as you can see in the photo.

you cant properly tell but the place is massive with over 100 store on each level, and yeah it has three levels!!!!! All proper cheap electronic gadgets! DVDR, USB items and everything for computers its amazing!

after that i said too him i like rc toys, so guess what he shows me tha Mong Kok ladies market which its full of cheap cloths,beltsmwallets ect aswell as cheap toys!

But get this after that he said his father was into models rc cars, and this is what blow me away.

Every thing you ever thought about Hong Kong people and RC Stuff is true!
after a 5min walk through the amazing bussy streets filled with lights we ended up in

!!!!!Radio Control Heaven!!!!!!

OMG you would of never seen so many radio control stuff ever in your life, its mind boggerling. RC shop one ater the other as far as the eye can see!

It was turly amzing seeing all the plam sized nitro cars and the massive monster trucks to the bargain helicopters.

Well what more can i say, I was compleatly over welmed, BTW there was loads of people buying guns as thay have millions of gun stores as well properly serious stuff! not blag you have to see it to belive it.

That draws an end to the day, apart that im playing with my new gadgets as i type.

Blog ya later


Sunday, January 21, 2007

7th Day in Hong Kong

Wow i made it, its been a week since i first arrived,

i still am in shock that i'm accually in hong kong, its still so sereal.

I still imagen waking up back home in england, i thinks its gonna take a while to ajust to hong kong. its so normal now though, its only been a week yet for some reason it seams like i have been doing it for years. i suppos its all about rutine, as i have to wake up to go to uni htne i come home etc. the only differance in that im constantly surrounded by a very different culture to back home in england.

anyway to i have been just wondering around off the MAP!!!! to see how far i could venture and find new shops. i did finf a shop called JAPAN HOME CENTRE where i bought a few items.

anyway in the everning i was invited to a feast which one of my class mates cooked up with fresh prawns and rice and other orientil flavors. Proper food as thay say.

any way im so tired and i have to make a fool out my self tommorow cos i didnt read the brief properly. i'll tell ya how it goes, (i may have to retuen to england if the shame is too much to handel)

Peace out from Hong Kong 7 Day Anneversery


Saturday, January 20, 2007

City Tour! Whooooooo!

I am so tired as i write this, becouse i just returned from a massive tour of Hong Kong which i got to say was pritty amazing!

(top of victoria Peak)

We left at lunch time heading for Hong Kong Island, which its just over the harbor. Its was so much more than i ever imagend, its massive and very western, it felt like somewhere like australia or somthing like that.

We went all over, we started at the world famous national exibition centre, and from there we went from place to place, we even visted two beaches, it was a tour bus tour with a funny chinese man as are tour guide.

list of places we stopped and visted:
1. NEC
2. Repulse Bay (beache)
3. Kwun Yam Shrine
4. Stanley
5. Stanley Bay (beache)
6. Aberdeen
7. Victoria Peak
8. Central

Is been a long day so, i'm so tired wanna sleep but if i do it means in gonna be sunday which would mean i've been here for you know, i dont want to say it till i get to that point in time. anyway i have been here for six days now and its crazy!

And again, on this tour i made chinese friends but it seems like all the exchange students are rather annoying spoilet rich drinking americans! oh well, the more chinese conversations for me. (EA VR Games Center)

any way i will up some photos of my travels, but i tell ya its properly gonna be a while till i venture out to Central Hong Kong again, i much prefer Kowloon, its much more like the movies here, more lights and stuff.

Till went i have more energy, Read me soon.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

5th Day In HK

well ive been here for five days now, and i got to say that every things going very good. I've made many new friends including new best buddies Lok,Danial and Ho. who are very interesting!

Today we had uni at 10 and did'nt finish till 6.30, but i did'nt mind as i found it enjoyable.

Lunch time was amazing today! about 20 of us classmate went to the most fancyest restrant in Hung Hom, Kowloon. and ordered nearly everything off the menu two fold! it was an wikid experiance. we were waited on hand and foot very nice lol. we must of got throw like 15 pots of Jasmin Tea and 30 different dises.

Anyway Today was super, and i think there will be many days like this to come!


N64 - How Stereo Typical

Just a quick update on last nights events, instead of going to an night club i decided on staying in with my nabourgrs and haveing a tornament of Mario Cart how Asian whoo. Fun though as there very persistan on getting to the next level, anyway i'm off to uni now for my 5th day in Hong Kong.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Very Sleepy Day!

Well today was my day off! i was supposed to do all the stupid amounts of work i got set today, but instead i really annoyingly went to ben at 5.50am last night and i sleept till 2pm in the afternoon. How silly, anyway cos of that it messed up my plans for the day. theres no chance i can do all the work i got set in the little time i have left. so instead i decided to venture around all the streets around the halls in kowloon. the map below shows that i have explored every where! I even passed a Ship thats a Night Club in the middle of land!
Map of area that i have completed exploring!
Very busy streets at night time.
I have a hard day tommorow 9am till 8pm so i heavly doubt that i'll have the energy to write lol.
so till next time Keep it Real!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A few Pics

Matroperlis Shopping mall with new mates
Busy MTR station way home from Uni

3rd Day in Hong Kong!

WOW! thats all i can say, it really is like WOW!

yesterday i started feeling like things here were getting a little too much, i started on think was this all for me! I was thinking the unthinkable and considering dropping out!

Today changed all that, it was amazing! I had a late start toady and went around Kowloon, i found amazing shops with amazing stuff. The main things i bought were cuttlery and plates etc i also found a few supermarkets were i did some grocery shopping which was very good as i need some real food.

i went to a stationary shop as well to day and it was amazing they have everything really everything!

Look at all the prize machines WOW!

Brand New Toy Project

The best part of the day was UNI i was dreading uni today cos of yestodays class, whcih made me feel really small. Todays class was compleatly different the traacher is from france and he is a famous toy designer who was born in japan and works in the toy industry for many years.

I met new class buddies as well today, people in hk have there native names and english names one of the guys i made friends with was ricky hes cool and said he'll help me out. How arsom.

I was also put in a group for the project with another exchange student from automotive Design. which is cool as im starting to lean how to draw cars.

Dont get me wrong this project is really really hard and its gonna take some really hard elbow greace to even scrape a pass. but i can tell you thins ourse is ganna be fun, it was like a dream come true in terms of design briefs and teaching methouds.

The weather is really really hot its like better than english summer! but i dont want it to get any hotter, the hk people think its really cold now and ware big jackets but its so hot there mad.

as i write this its 4.30 in the morning as i could'nt sleep, its just started to rain the first time i've seen rain here! its like tropical and stuff whooo.

anyway the main point im trying to get to is that im starting to loving it. I konw its going to be very hard but i can say that things are looking positive and i am again ready to tackel the world!

I have a day off tomorow so i'll proberly go exploring, but i cant foget that i have 2 projects to start this week, so i have to start my time managment!

Hong Kong is the Land of Dreams!


Monday, January 15, 2007

Finally here

I am finally here, I arrived yesterday. It is so hectic everything saw much more than I ever imagined.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Feeling Nervous - flying to HK today!

Its all happening, I am about to embark on something new!

I am leaving England today, I fly out this afternoon heading for a most wonderful vribernt city of Hong Kong!

I am writing this as I drink my tea, sat at the dining table for one last time till my return in June! I have already started to feel home sick and I havernt even stepped out the door yet.

I really do wish i love it, and fit in. Time will tell.
the next time I will be writing will be from Hong Kong, so watch this space!

Wish me Luck


From Birmingham England

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Latest News - Im Going to Hong Kong

OMG i just found out that I am indeed going to Hong Kong for the exchange. Today was the last day that it was possible for me to find out if I could go. and they said You Have Been Accepted, which means


this is amazing news and I'm so excited, I have already booked my ticket and about to book insurance. My return date is 7th June thats like half a year.

its all going to be very hard work from now on, as the nerves are about to kick in. as well as the sick feeling that you get before exams and things.

am i going to like it, will i fit in, dam the fears have kicked in!

I cant belive it OMG wow this is the begining of somthing amazing!

to excited to type, so i'll update later.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I have do all my work here before i can go anywhere according to the UCE, oh well. its very unlikly that im going to hong kong now as i havernt heard anything from PolyU which can only mean bad news in my opinion:(

I however have started to venture into another exchage program with the Milan PolyTechnic, one of the best design schools in the world!!! its looks fab! but i think i still would of prefered Hong Kong cos its just so different to what i know.

So the likly hood now is that im going to Milan, but i am definatly not going alone. one of my class mates has to go with me other wise i'll end up going mad. as italians are very well what can i say. you may already know.

What ever happens, I know i did try my best and that it was the incompatace of others that has effected me.

Signing out


Monday, January 08, 2007

Not much development all round!


there hasn't been much developments in the last few days apart from we have come back to uni for the new year!

today was the first day back, and I had an presentation of my work to do for a toy project which I managed to pass with flying colours!

they 'carol and graham' really did like to see quality work, what do you think?

i spent two days on them, on and off that is. i think they turned out rather well. so any product designers dont steal my ideas or i'll get ya!

the biggest develoment regarding my exchange is that i managed to fine my course director today, he was on my side. so i could'nt really get angery at him! for not processing my stuff earlier. but any i got his endorsment so im happy.

i would like to tell you more about the exchange but i cant cos i dont know of any more infomation myself. but i can say i have written my packing list!
Think im going to fly BA. cos there the best.

checking out now


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Ikea Hear I Come!

OMG, i have so much work to do! yet i still go far places,

lets work through the day backwards:

just a few minutes ago i called Hong Kong the PloyU regarding the exchange. there was no new news i just have wait for an answer back for the school of design. which is taking longet than expected.

before that i did the first hour of my toy project, just coming up with ramdom ideas that i colud show on the interm presentation.

a very blury image of the outsite of ikea wendsbury!

before that we just come back from wasting the day at Ikea. we went to buy lots of stuff but went we got there we were over welmed with stuff we endded up getting things we didnt even go for and not buying things we went for.
but that allways happends with Ikea trips.

before that i woke up.

taht was a brief run down on the days events. im still compleatly stressed about every thing.
someone do all my work for me!


Thursday, January 04, 2007

My Brain Hurts

Im starting to panic, i have to much work to do and way to little time!

this time im not just saying that its compleatly true. If i am accepted at the HKPU PolyU i have to leave for Hong Kong next week yes thats right next week thats six days time. OMG.

I do wish i get accepted as its my dream to studie aboard. specialy in such a colourful city like Hong Kong.

Right now im tring to do my coursework, i have two eight week project that i havernt even started to do, i have to finish these within these 6 days left.

Some bad news, JiaJie friend from uni was supposed to be going with me on theis exchange to HK as well. but theres been visa problems so his chances of getting a place is going to be slim. its a sham cos it would have been cool having him show me around HK and china. lets hope they accept him aswell.

i have to juggle lots as i have to get ready to leave and do all my work and im not even sure if there gonna accept me. They said thay will give me an answer within this week so fingers crossed that i get accepted.

its 1.11am in the morning and im very tired. been every where today trying to get forms signed and stuff.

look a picture is been long. UCE today collecting transcripts.

I should be doing my work right now but i feel its more important to document the stress and pain im feeling.

anyway i have to think more about what i should do work wise so tar tar.


Monday, January 01, 2007

!Happy New Year!

Two parties and lots of fireworks later, i can say happy new year!