OMG if you are Human you would of loved my day today!
Well it stated pritty simularery them any other a part from the fact that i have a presentation in the morning which i was nerves at the time as i had to give it to the whole new class! i started it then the teacher snached my scriped out of my hands, then i was in the deep end. But freaking hell it was really good. I am a very good speaker and i dont thing i'll use stupid scripts again!

thats was the the school day to day 10am - 4.30pm
But now the exciting part happends, I feel like its a little bit unimpressing for people who are not fully human to understand but for you's who are here you go!
My new best bud 'Ho' thats his name, showed me all the ropes of the MTR & KCR and then we went to mong kok, which i have to say is like to most amazing place in terms of ture Cinimatic Hong Kong Bussy shopping scean. Its tottaly aresome, like propper ramed with people and stuffed with lights and amazing shops.
its gets better, Ho took me to the most amazing art shops ever, there so mega kool and stock everything! sets of 12 ShinHan Markers for £9.50 f**ing amazing. He took me to two different Graphic Art shops both massive and well stocked with skeach books folios paint markers everything.
Then after being blownaway by art supplys, I mentioned to him i would like to buy some speakers, and he then took me to The world famous Mong Kok Computer market, imagen this its a classy fully neon lite one store size entrance with a staire case you go you the flashey stair case and you end up in the mose advanced massive computer shopping centre, every thing was very thightly packed as you can see in the photo.
you cant properly tell but the place is massive with over 100 store on each level, and yeah it has three levels!!!!! All proper cheap electronic gadgets! DVDR, USB items and everything for computers its amazing!
after that i said too him i like rc toys, so guess what he shows me tha Mong Kok ladies market which its full of cheap cloths,beltsmwallets ect aswell as cheap toys!
But get this after that he said his father was into models rc cars, and this is what blow me away.
Every thing you ever thought about Hong Kong people and RC Stuff is true!
after a 5min walk through the amazing bussy streets filled with lights we ended up in
!!!!!Radio Control Heaven!!!!!!

OMG you would of never seen so many radio control stuff ever in your life, its mind boggerling. RC shop one ater the other as far as the eye can see!
It was turly amzing seeing all the plam sized nitro cars and the massive monster trucks to the bargain helicopters.

Well what more can i say, I was compleatly over welmed, BTW there was loads of people buying guns as thay have millions of gun stores as well properly serious stuff! not blag you have to see it to belive it.
That draws an end to the day, apart that im playing with my new gadgets as i type.
Blog ya later