Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Toys Toys Toys

Its getting to me, toys have become all evil

Monday, February 26, 2007

First Day Back After New Year! Cantonese class

Wheres my camera?
Pencil case?
Usb Mouse?

The fisrt day back we get a very demanding new project not fogetting that we have two other very time consuming project to handel!

OMG theres so much work what can one do!

First day of cantonese class aswell today yeah! but i dont think i have time to learn the language just yet cos of other project and things.

need sleep cos i have to wake up early go to uni and do work till 3 in th afternoon when its time to face Remi for our toy tutorial OMG,

Bye Bye


Sunday, February 25, 2007

End of Chinese New Year Holiday Days

I am very tired as the week has drawn to an end.
Thats it Holidays are over till Easter! so my blog and life will be filled with very unintresting thing facts about me and my work.
Back to UNI in the morning for even more new brifings and lectures and reports.
for the last time

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Whooo! Report is Done'N'Dusted still 70% of other work left

The day started with me working till the early hours, then i went into uni and met with the gang, we spent the enitre day doing the other parts of the report. but at 6pm it was done time for sleep.
the image above is taken on manual focus how cool is that!
well i woke up had food now i should start the next phaze of my work. but i dont wanna but i know i gotta so i will comprimise and do a to do list there always useful.

Friday, February 23, 2007

40th DAY in HK - celebration time!

well the day was started with a call Jas: wanna go out? Me: OK!
then off we went a@ 1am in the morning with no sleep for 50hours previous.

What a way to start the day off, we headed to Lan Kwai Fong to Party!

its really expensive o go out here entrace is like £12 to get into clubs buy hay who cares!

We went to the HEI HEI CLUB, it was pumping ramed with tons of peeps it was crazy stuff.

i even got to drink whooo (dont tell parants) should i deleat that?

Anyway thats enough of that cos its Naughty!

then we got back at 5ish and i sleept till 2 finally some sleep i would of sleept longer but i have many deadline to keep with uni commitments.

had food tryed to do work went out with yale to eat horrible nasty food, i just cant eat meat as much as i try its not getting inside me, My brain aint letting me eat meat!

then im doing work and its now 3am in the morning wow im good, but a shame that i havernt compleated all the work i set out to do. i however did compleate 1/3 so good enogh. meet the gang at 11am tommorow so best get some sleep now.



Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sharons House Party! Day 38 & 39

House Party, House Party
After being stupidly tired coming back from the budda, i arrived at halls at 5pm and i recived call from Kaichi saying the shindig was back on. and said to we should meet 6.30 in studio. so hurry hurry. and i was off.
it was all the way in the country side the very east of Hong Kong 'Sai Kung'
the family is very rich having a 3 floor house which un heard of in hong kong.
The people were so friendly, just as kaichi said nothing to be scared about.

The whole night was fun and games from Karaoki to Mahjoh i won twice Whooooo!

What an experiance getting to stay in the countryside of hong kong wow not many people can say that.

I think thats it of the fun this holiday as we have many assignments to do its crazy. many many many thing need finisheing like 2books essays and even reaserch reports and presentations and even storyboards.

so till next time Stars

Giant Budda - 38th Day

300 STEPS to reach the Giant Budda,
it was really fun.
Steps taken to get to Budda,
1. Go to TST
2. Get Ferry to Central
3. Take First Ferry to Lanta Island
4. Take Coach to Budaa
After all that we were a little tired but full of energy as the buddas so big!

View from the Ning Ping Village, near sky rail.

its very big aint it.

The Sky Rail was amazing! it took us over loads of mountains and the journey lasted ages like 30mins of amazing views

It even traveled over the Sea at the end to reached siverlization again. it was a amazing experiance and is a must do for anyone who want to visit Hong Kong

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How Strange! Meat eating & Shisha'ing

This day started badly, was going to go macau today but decided best save it for another day instead i thought lets go to the amazing carnivel thats in town. but instead yale (new friend) took me around all the shopping centres and sites around 5 mile radius of the halls.
We went to many places even really trendy shops that are way better than in england. it was pritty cool. so many bargain ultimatly kool cloths that i would'nt have a clue which to buy. Saiman you would love it proper nice stuff real band name and amazing shops way better than selfriges and guess what its like got a amazing sale so stuff like jeans or kool jackets are around £10 thats for amazing stuff.
after 3 hours of traverling it was time to hit the hay.
Oh no that did'nt happen instead we decided to go to a amazing shisha bar where the atmospher was unpresidented. it was super kool chill out. we all ate out side in the warm hong kong street then after we setteled inside and got all are hookers burning. sweet apple,straw berry and mixed fruit at first i was like ummmm. but then i really got into it and was puffing all night long tasty. my head fells weired now.
off to the budda 10am tommorw so best get to sleep.
more pics to come better smoking ones!

Monday, February 19, 2007

36th Day in Hong Kong - 2 day of New Year

Today was all about fireworks were all got up late from the last night and headed over to star avenue the harbor front for the best place in hong kong to watch the amzing fireworks display.
we had to leave 3 hours early other wize we would not of be able to see as the crowed gets big about 100m in to hongkong thats past the building so theres no chance of seeing anything.

it was amazing we seen everything! the best view ever the fireworks were launch off thee large cargo ships it look and sounded amazing poundding us with its trimendus thump evey milli second.

it was even louder as it bounced on the buildings behind us and back to us!

it was a crazy display that lasted 25mins of stupidly expensive fireworks x 3 mental.

once in a life type of thing! this one marked the 10th aneversery of the return of hong kong to china. so it was a big occation!



New Years Day!

(Update 1 of 3)
Startng backwards this was the night end a stroll home along the harbor.
with the magical glinting lights off Hong Kong Island.

After the Parade, we went to an indian restrant where i had muton khadi very nice. very filling and a bargin @ $115 (£8) compared to Califonia Kitchen.

I need a tripod, playing ith iso's is complicated!

one picture from the parade but i may edit a video together if i have time which i heavly doubt.

I have an importan decistion to make, should i go see the world famous fireworks dispaly tommorow of should i go to the special house part i've been invitied to?

I have no idea!

(Update 3 of 3) get the next update below

Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Years Eve!

(Update 2 of 3)
Flower Market Lunar new year fair!
today we headed to the lunar new year fair it was crazy vid to be Utubed.

James, Liz, Me at the the fair.

Strolling home after the massive expensive meal at califonian Kitchen $160 (£11) i hate spending too much money. the past week has compleatly kaned my bank balance!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Last Uni Day before New Year! Speding All my Money

(Update 1 of 3)
Well this was the last day of uni so most of us stayed for ages after class.
and it was also the last day of shopping before the price rises after the lunar new year.
so Kaichi took me to famous Mong Kok so that i could buy my traditional dress for the house party i have been invited to.
After that we went to the computer market to get my camera, which indeed was the Newest and latest model to hit the shops. its the most powerful comapact camera in the world. Introducing the Casio EX-Z1000

As you can seen its very sleek and sexy, wicked dock and in/out puts at the back.

I decided to buy the package for $2400 (£159) which includes Extra battey, Mini Tripod, LCD Film, Leather case, and 1GB SD card. MEGA BARGAIN considering that HK is expensive!

This is my desk area in my room, i have tidyed up as it was in such a state. Look its my new HP printer i bought from the mega sale for $260 (£18) so cheap.

the pic below is taken on the casio and i have to say Kodak is better!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

31st Day In HONG KONG! Day of Presentation!

Oh my, it was the moment of truth today. The reason i have had little sleep all week!
we finished it, our system and interface with entire system flow and Infomation Models. its been a mission, but finaly we can sleep, no wait we have a toy deadline to do for the morning!
that did'nt stop the Warcraft/Mojho (spelt compleatly wrong) Celibration taking Place!

a very early basic system flow of are system!

I had a nap just now and am starting to getting on with this hand in for the morning!

Oh and the new year celebrations start tommorow! and im on holiday for 5 DAYS and so far i have very litle plans, but be sure i will find somthing amazing to do.

Gotta keep on, Gotta Gotta Keep on Working!


Monday, February 12, 2007

Never Expected the Day to last so Long!

Its my class at 1am in the morning. I have been in all day completing assiginments and just chilling with my new friends.
I love hong kong i've never had the chance just to chill and relax with my class mates in england! but here were always chill and we chats all night. i love it!
Today was just chilling and enjoying being with people who are amazing in my opinion.
I will Write soon Laters

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Its Sunday thats 28 Days!

I have chosen these two images as they are the best photo i have recived from england all week and this post should document the crazy amazing weather im missing in england.

It was sunday to day not much happened just boring not happening work.
i will make sure that i do not ever reapet this type of day.

i gotta say Hong Kong is wild but people make time to do there work some how!

But hay its 2am that must count for somthing in england i would be in bed two hours ago.

So till next time bye from Hong Kong

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wa Bag! Saturday!

wow how time flys, i thought it was tuesday today!

anyway its saturday and its 1am in the morning so i have to sleep sharpish,
after looking at my blog its getting slightly pridictable i think its time for some action!

uuummmmm what shall i do to get some energy into this blog? give me suggestions!

i have had a working saturday cos works getting on top of me now and i have to work all sunday too if im to survie here!

i just did boring tasks today like shopping etc.

i bought some pens as i misplaced my pencil case in the studio! i best go look for it!

my house mates not here i think he went home for the week end as he lives about two hours away!

i wanna go party but u had to refuse the invatation due to my stpid deadlines!

Blog ya sunday everning.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Finally - Golden Computer Shopping Mall

The long awaited trip to The Golden Computer Arcade! Google it!
It was amazing so much stuff computers it was crazy!!!!!!
OMG if any of you guys was there you would go MAD.!
I Did!

Look its the french teachers penis toy device (don't Ask!)

And the MTR which is a very sifisticated underground train system.

Very tired now, as its 2.45am what can i say people in hong kong stay up late!

Bye for now


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Update! Day 24

the day started with a morning tutorial outside in the amazing 27c temp! its quite nice now but it burns!
later that day i have lunch (left) ith fellow class mates it was crazy i eat three octopus legs big ones! and tons of lovely delacasys like luner new year cake which is very nice.
later i headed to halls for 30 mins to get ready to go out to temple street, thats when i first saw my room mates stuff and was in shock cos i left the room in such a messy state. anyway i left for ni and met up with the other and we headded to temple street where its very traditional culturel experiance! it was well cool its like a massive market with real WARLOCKS! (wizerds) that tell you the future!
anyway after looking ronund at stuff we headdind to a very traditional restrant! (poor dirtly looking) but i tell ya the people i hang with are very trendy so i thought wtf but its very normal and i can comfirm tasty and i had Razor clams and osusters and loads of wild mushrooms evem more Giant octopus Legs even snals!
OMG can you belive
I not botherd about my new roommate as his kool now! and i dont mind but i will try getting to share with other mate as his view is top!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

OMG I have a New Room Mate! - Temple Street

OMG i can't write long as my new rude room mate will see me typing!

I'm not staying here im changing rooms to my friends who has an amazing view i'll show ya when i sort it all out.

Gotta go his here

Random vid from polyU someone elses video! but they always do things around the massive campus everyday!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mong Kok - Computer Shopping

DAY 23
Class today was late start as its tuesday so i decided i'll try catch up on some coursework! so i headded to uni earlyish. The uni day went ok, as its quite stressful knowing the amout of work that is required.
After uni at 7-8ish Kichi and Lok took me to Mong Kok to show me around the computer and comic shops, its compleatly crazy the amout of stuff and the vibe-ing streets full of amazing people. I LOVE HONG KONG its so amzing.
i also had a sample of hong kong street food, it was very nice just like pancakes in England buy here there more intresting as the pancakes look like Honey Combs well cool.
Well im shatterd and need sleep as i have an 9am start tommorow and i have to show the guy form america my work! OMG

Monday, February 05, 2007

Japanese Food !

My First Japanese Restrant Experiance.
I can't belive it i ate Crab Eggs, it makes me feel sick thingking about it. I also ate Octopus OMG.
The Octopus was nice ish but the crap row was nasty!!!!!
It was my starter guess what my main course was........ HUMAN BODY PARTS
Only joking it was nice fried fish with rice, fewww somthing i can eat. I also had an very intresting japanses Drink its like lemonade but comes in a bottle with a marble in the top with you have to hit hard then it opens with a pop!
Very Kool.
My mates keep pestering me on eating octopus so now there happy for now, but thay want me to eat a whole giant octopus soon, my reply was like give me a month or two to prepare.

The view out side my window, im ten floors up, below is the arcitechtural garden.
ive been very busy with work and i feel a sleep in my lectures today, it was a mazing the Head of Dsign at Philips came and gave us a tak on interaction design!
Can the UCE do that!
need to seep its 3.45am and i have another project to do in the morning.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Well, Its crazy but ive been here for three weeks now! its wild.
I can't belive that i've been here for three weeks its crazy.
I am starting to feel the presure of the Hong Kong work load but am trying to deal with it the best i can. i here in england they have have two new briefs ans a 6000 essay report well try doing 4 of them at once with regular toutorials where the teachers just look at you seeing if your doing the work or not. MAD
anyway i took my website off line today as it was a little bit too flash. i've made it very simple as you can see in the top image.
Thats all toady, apart from a new Friend Jas from the same uni as me BIAD how crazy is that. anyway shes here too soo im not the only asian out here! anyway i maybe going to china with her class this saturday Yeahhhh!!! CHINA
Well happy 3 week anneversery too me
only 5 more months left!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

WOW, Boring Saturday!

As expected a boring Saturday, not much that i can say. I bought some 100 sheets of 100gsm paper for $26 also some document bags. o and and can you tell what the image above is?

Friday, February 02, 2007

Why do the Scool of Deisgn Give Me so much Work!

Thats it i have become stressed, somthing i didnt want to become but Oh My Days, the work load has become Crazy today, well and turly messed up stuff.

I now have Four fully fleged projects running, and its mostly self directed work which is driving me mad as i am not used to doing work.

forget that stuff, what else happened today, well its friday and i finiehed uni early today at 12 but i think my class mates are arwsome so i hang and had lunch with dem. then watched some disturbing japanese short movies untill 4. then i headded back home. i had a catch up sleep till 8 then i decided it time to strat some of the crazt work. i have only 1 and a half pages of skeching. SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!!!

Oh and i think i have been fully excepted as one of there own, as they have started to take the mick out of me like they do with everyone whos a good friend. Whooo!!!!

the vis is of a very regular lecture at the PolyU, very relaxed and in depth!!!!

i am free this week end maybe i will do work or somthing not sure yet. but it seems i have no plans dam. but in england thats normal i have never had any free time the whole time i've been here so maybe thats why im getting behind in my work! its time to fix this problem!

Bye for now, expect a very boring weekend blog entry!


Intereaction Design - Cube Testing!

Well yestoday was the day when the cubes we worked on all wendsday into the early hours.

it was a very sleepy day at uni as we had the cube testing session in the morning and it was very fun but by the afternoon we all had a lecture from some guy from Panasonic Design and people could barley keep there eyes open because we were so drained from the morning sesstion, it also dosent help we you have a big lunch!

above you can see what happened when Peter D tested my cube! Check it Out!!! it worth it!

Blog later about todays events as currently im at uni.
