Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Monday, April 30, 2007


Okay, the model of the toy is finished and its my job to film it and make a slick looking video/advert thing.

but the problem is the storyboard it was to adventuras and not realistic, it was like a fantasy comic book that has been near impossibile to create! its been the stress of my life, but there are only 3 days of it left and i can tell you these three are gonna be the hardest ever! ITs Properly Hurting me this project and im suffering.

I can normaly compleate a project like this in england in like max a week, thats with full on high quility working model and full on sketch dev, boards etc, but here in Hong kong somthing must be wrong with me, its just not clicking!

to tell the truth i did very little for the CPD project the 13 weeks and most of the work was all done in 2 nights! that show what i can do with very little time working very slowly!

I really Really hope this toy project works out to be a very good project, my group mate really really puts in hard work and for this i am greatful, i have also been putting in the time but theres little to show, its really fustrating but as much as i try it just dont work for me here in HK the working style/enviroment.

I just need a deadline, flexible tutorials and my own timetable (quick and fast) and then things will be perfect.

I dont want the world reading this no more, so after reading this foget everything from the last 10mins from your life and then leave this page and come back when i have somthing moe public to say such as Macua trip or disneyland! ETC. give me 2-3 days!

Im gonna leave now so enjoy ur self, wish me luck and send me emails!

Gonna be on hols soon so keep in touch!


Saturday, April 28, 2007

OMG im tired!

Well today was amazing but by afternoon it started to become a tradergy!

im thinks its a bit personal to write about now.
call me and i will tell all maybe!

Friday, April 27, 2007


I was the day of the presentation i didnt sleep for maybe sumthing like 40hrs to do the presentation! thats a long time considering i even went to poly two times during that period and stuff! so very tired now but some how i've pasted the tired stage and i spent the day relaxing its now nealy 3am and i have a 8.30am start tommrow, looks like im never gonna get a chance to catch-up on sleep.

anyway i want to bail form tommrows meeting working plan, and go have FUN with a hot chick who invited me to go out with her for the day, but it means that i have to not do my work for the day and the deadlines fast approching! so im in a muddel on what i should do!
HOT GIRL or WORK seems like a easy answer but not when it involes friendships that can be broke due to not doing the work as its a group project!

Anyway to day was the day of judgement!
it was the Creative Product Design presentation! i DID it its finished! it went very good in my opinion! so i am very very happy! so releved, everyone didnt sleep for like 3 days and stuff so i thought the level would be far out of my reach, buti managed to pull out some good work in the lst few hrs before the presentation so very happy!!!!!!

IT WAS GOOD! but i was a little nerves at the start, but that soon faded!

anyway i better get to bed as its approching 4am!

Universitys nearly finished OMG its messed-UP im going to be back soon! OMG i hate the idea! i love HK and wanna stay! but in my head thats still an impossible scenario!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Time is running out but im getting somewhere!

Well its 4.28am thrusday morning! i have the CPD presenation tommrow morning! OMG i barly have a concept!
above its the finished model ive got the form but am unsure on what the concept is. I hope i can figuar somthing clever out in time!
Also i need to have Nice renderings of the final product otherwise i will fail! so im gonna have to really push the boat out in terms of getting that done!
Time is agains me!
But guess what im feeling slightly happy knowing that the deadlin is so close, as it means im gonna be free soon very soon! its a shame though im kinda upset, but im looking forward to having lots of FUN during my holiday time!
Signing out

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I went to sleep at 6am today and set my alarm for 10am but i over sleeped till 2pm! and got to uni late at 3.30!

then i had toy design class which was ok today as Remi our teacher did'ny keep pestering me about the video instead he was being helpful! Its really good being possitive!

I got back to halls ot around 11pm as we went out for dinner in TST, it was HOT noodels one of my favs chineses foods. Its not normal hot like chilles but its like extream HOT like makes your mouth NUM! you must try it someday!

well i just blogging noe cos it happened again, I Over Sleeped i just put my head down for like a few mins but that turned to 2hrs with out be even knowing! its 1.30am now so i better get cracking on my work otherwise im gonna get screwed!

I have a pressentation this friday and i have a lot of work to do for it! i hope i dont get sloughtered!



Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday 2nd MSR Teleconfrence!

Well today was another stressful day of judgement!
But to tell the truth it went quite smoothly!

We stayed up till the early hours figering the system interface out and system functions. so it was a long and labourius sunday night, monday morning! but we did get there in the end.

I woke up extra ealey today as i had to update the IDEAL SPIRIT MSR WEBSITE! with the infomation we gatherd/created last night.

Our group was called up ealry as another group bailed out! so we had to rush!
I was super nurvas as usual, but soon as i started speaking it was fine! Vincent and Lok also did there fair share talking and explaing the system, im very proud of them! Well DONE!

Thats was MSR on the other hand its TOY DESIGN on TUESDAY and i have to hand in a completed video with text insert as well as music and even voice over!

And guess what! its 3.30am tues morning and im just started cutting doen the DV tape! also i The footage is the most unblive non-sense ive seen, so im completly unsure about what the reacton will be! Beacuse of this i dont want to spent to much time doing it! but the fact is that DV edditing takes a life time! for Fing sakes whys life so complecated!

Also! CPD is in for this friday! i have to make a compleate sexy Model prototype of my design and compleate a full on presentation that i will have to presentate in from of many people inc SCOT and BENNY who i respect greatly! So theres big pressure!

ARGHHHHHHHHHH i think im gonna POP!

I best get back to DV EDDITING as if i dont i will get POPPED!

Signing Out

What Happends in the Last Week Of UNI

The computer room above is usualy completly emptie, but as its the end of the semster everybody yes everybody wants a computer to use!
Guess what the time is? well its near 3am and theses people arnt planning to leave! some people will spend the entire last week in here completing there work!
Were in here trying to get a presentation for Microsoft Research done, as we had a teleconfrence the following morning (5hrs later) i will tell all in my next blog about that!
This just shows how intense people are and how hard they work!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Its Sunday 5.30pm and there are many things to do.

Ok well im currently sat where this picture is taken, waiting for a meeting to start about the microsoft compotition. its going to be a long metting with many things that need disscussing and working out!

Its so hot here in HK i got baked on the way here! so im using a USB fan to cool me down.
The weathers getting to me! i wish that i can adapt, oh i have adapted a little cos like when its slight cool, i think its frezzing! its like so cold somtimes!

this is a random post at a random time of the day, also when i have so much to do and so little time. i have to plan the next few days of activitys very well, and be very carefull on time and make sure that i keep my eye on the goal and work hard now, so i dont get screwed over too hard.

time is scairss so i better be off.

Till next time

Friday, April 20, 2007




Time is of the essince, yet why do i still do very very little!
Life is too short for nothing to happen, Is what i do in vain, or is it what must be.
What ever i do i must, i really must Get to work, i am so so silly and i dont want to suffer!
Today i spent my time in uni just as i did yestoday, looking for people to star in my movie! I have to say a BIG thanks to CAT who helped me out!
Logging Out MIAH

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Toy Design - Its Killing ME! STUDIO DAY

Hey to the world wide web, its another update, lucky you's.
I spent the whole day in the studio! i managed to compleate to work! i also managed to get shouted at by the tutor for not doing anywork!

aswell as that all the deadlines are fast aproching, and on top of that MSR comp that i thought was going good is starting to take a turn! i better try stear it back on track other wise im screwed in that aswell!

All presenations are just around the corner and im starting to go a little MAD!
Pic above is right out side student halls!

Picture above is the student Halls, Its the one in the middel with the light on! pic taken @ 2am
the time is now 3.45am! i need sleep tommrow is another day of HARD WORK!

Keep it Locked


Monday, April 16, 2007


HEY BROTHERS SISTER FRIENDS FAMILY STRANGERS SICKOS I Tired and i havent done any toy design work as i am so stressed about it all!!!!!Its crazy it In later today and i havent even started it and i need actors and propps also!!!! IM like so screwed! I went to Mong Kong Today to get and 2.5" usb HHD but instead i help a mate in deiceded his investment which was kool as i thought we werent kool.

anyway life is looking up but work is looking down apart from maybe MSR Comp.

anyway im so tired tommrows had come and i have tutorial in 14hrs and i want sleep so im going to bed!


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Well today i got up late at 2pm and i had a meeting @ 2pm with my group mates so a bad start!
I managed to get to poly by 3pm so only a hour late!
So we disscuessed and did nothing really in terms of real work! well we have planed a meeting tommrow with many elderly folks so its going to be another early morning!
Also Remi cought me today!!! He shouting at me for not doing my work and skipping tutorial! But i ran away from him and he started chasing me!!!!
Anyway hes expecting a lot of work for tuesday tutorial! Im scared that the lickly hood of me doing it is very very low! OMG
Anyway sighning off as i have to do somthing productive before i sleep!
Cya Miah

Friday, April 13, 2007


Pic is where we eat usualy @ lunch times, 10 - 15 mins from uni.
Today we had tutorial at 9am which was like OMG as i had toy tutorial at 10am also, but i didnt get to sleep the night beore cos i had so much work to do, BUT i didnt do much instead i started to enjoy HONG KONG again started to chill even though i had two deadlines in the morning!
Instead of STRESSING about it and just doing rubbish and getting proper DTRESSED i decided to fuk it and relax and just do what i enjony talking and chilling with peeps.
so now im in a happ mood and am like ok i will do the work but im going to enjoy hong kong so leave me alone!
i went to bed at 4am anh got up at 7.45am i nealy slept through my arlam happended before its BAD, so glad i didnt .

but things turend out ok , seen scot for a 4 Hour tutorial, so i missed the TOY tutorial @ 10am but i didnt do the work anyway so Yeahhhh. but also guited as we have so lttle time left!.

Just now me and Jas went to TST to chill and have dinner then we went window shopping and i even got a list of what i have to buy for the HIGH TABLE dinner! OMG Is so SOON

also had a nice talk to classmate, soo nice!


The Hong Kong Motto


Its Real and should be followed!

Cya Starts

Friday April 13th Should i be scared?

Its been a while since ive done anything productive in terms of blogging, ive no time evea to update it with a nice picture of whats going on. maybe later i will take a picture or two!

currently i have a little time! as it friday and i've no tutorials till monday!!!!! Yeahhhhh!!!
ive had a few hectic weeks and i only have 2 weeks of studie left! how crazy!

I need to make a video of uni life in Hong Kong Soon other wise i'll be stupid! really i have to do it soon there really is only two weeks left! but im sure these last two weeks are going to be the most unenjoyable!

Two weeks today i have Three project hand-ins! OMG thats like the most i've ever had, and there no normal projects there HK style so its gonna be HARD WORK!

Im kinda bored right this second! thats why i have time to write this, i'll go to Tsim Sha Tsui for dinner with Jas, after that maybe i'll go studio! see if theres anything happening! Game of warcraft maybe!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

If life aint complecated enough!

Well today i found out that i have my three final presentations/handins all in exsactly 2 weeks time!!!!

when will i hve the ime to make the skeachbooks, models, presentations boards! 3D renders Etc.
OMG Life is complecated!

i havernt even updated my blog in ages! its cos i normaly do it at night before i go bed but i cant anymore cos if i have time before i go bed i have to do work! im writting this from the IPD yr2 Studio!

there isnt many people in right now cos its still early!

But we have tutorials toady and i have to say im not looking forward to it cos as i said we have two weeks left to compleate all projects! and yet we still are strugerling with a concept!

i best get on cos im sure today is going to be a 40hr DAY!!!!!!!!!

i have PT now till late afternoon,
Toy Project - Instructions and FILM
CPD - Final tutorial before Hand IN and Presentation!

All this for tommrow!


Im Screwed!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

THAT was a LONG WoRkInG Night!

I didnt get to bed till 5.30am editting like 40 secs of rubbish rush shots of storyboard!

im gonna watch it again now to remind me what it was like! i fot cos it tuesday afternoon now! i hope it amazing and like it got done by it self lol, I relly relly HOPE its amazing and that i did a amazing job on it!

Time will tell!

Last night what happened! i went to uni for a gruop duesscusstion to talk about our failing Microsoft project and still tring to develop a winning idea cos curently its kinda bollocks and not prize worthy!!!!

its time for our thinking caps!
do we have time? ive booked a tutorial for weds it may help us! again only time will tell! we have only 3 weeks to finish the entire project in video sernario RP model Report Reaserch, A0 design board! many many things are required for submission not fogetting the presentation that will be given to MICROSOFT them self!

Remeber thats all one project i have three others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im gonna get even more stressed day by day!!!!

signing off

Monday, April 09, 2007

OMG 9% of set task complete!

Life is HARD! i have had so much time off but why do i feel like i have been working like a dog for the past few days! Cos i have in the form of stressing!

its so stressful knowing that i have so much work that need to be complate! tommrow i have to hand in the TOY video but i just done a test rund and it looks a little horrible!!!!!!

so i think i am screwed!!! I Hope not thought, i have emailed the exchange gang asking fo there help with the video, i may jst make it into a comedy so i get the class laughing! cos i cant impress them with flashy graphics etc. Comedy is our key to a successful Video!

hopefully i can get the shots i need then wack em together to make them look amazing! but only time will tell cos i am running out of it very very FAST.

OMG tommrow i have remi, his such a good teacher but i have let him down, so i hope i can make this video slightly good atleast!

I did get to sleep till 5am last night and i got up @ 10am so i had not much sleep either! its going to be a long day!!!!!!

signing out!


Sunday, April 08, 2007

Day 3 Easter Holiday!

Oh Dear,

again its been a bad one! the weather wasnt great so THE BBQ Canceled! thats the thired cancelation this week!

First macua - Cancelled
Deskmans BBQ - Cancelled
Jefferys BBQ - Cancelled

many cancellatons this week, maybe its fate what me to do my work! but i havent been doing any, instead i've been thinking about doing work and having very very long dinner that take up the entire evernings the part of the day im awake!!!!!!!

so what can i say! I've been a slacker, tommrow im going to attempt CPD so i dont have to touch it all week! very unlikly! then on monday im going to wake up early and try shoot a film and edit it all in one day!!!!!! the film has to be in hollywood toy advert style, and ive only got the student halls to film in!!!!!!!



Friday, April 06, 2007

Day 2 Easter Holiday!

Well Well Well, today was just as unpreductive as yeasterday i really really havent done any work! OMG im going to get *********** screwed so hard! when i returen back to uni.

Im allready rediciulasly behind in my work, this happened because i decided i would meet with some new friends for dinner! these friends i made through other friends of friends.

anyway we spent the everning together i left halls @ 5ish and i returned at 1am so as you can see i have no time for any work and i have to say im going to suffer BIG TIME!!!!!

but hey why am i in Hong Kong, Its to have FUN!

so i have organized a BBQ in stanley tommrow!!!!!!!!
Some would say im compleatly a stupid guy, i have so so much works to do its crazy!!!!!
anyway im leaving at 3pm and wont get back till late or early!!!! so its going to be another complealty unpreductive day!!!!
Anyway signing out!!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thursday :( First Day of Holiday!

Well as expected today was boring and thats not all I did no work whats so ever. im gonna suffer soon if i keep this up!

And theres even worst news i found out that Macua trip tommrow has been canceled!!!!!!


so now it means i have to do my work, and if i dont im a stupid little bitch!!!!

TIme to get into gear!!! and try at least to do one project.

I woke up late at 2pm today did nothing all day till 8pm when out for dinner ($400) with a frined and spent the last 5 hours OMG i just worked it out!!!! cos its now 1am OMG wow time flys

anyway tommrow is a new day i will get up before 12 and start work cos in the everning i may be going lan kwiw fong.



Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Blog offline due to my head think.

Well ive learnt a lot today, my mine is a lot bigger. I feel a little guilty, but life can not dwel in the past.

spent the day chilling, and thinking. wasting time looking at model shops. and chilling with my mate.

Im Going to Macau this friday for the easter holidays, but its only gonna be a day trip so dont expect anthng amazing.

But its appaenrtly like las vagus so should be fun. LOOKING very forward to it.



Thinking, May Be Too Soon!

Ok lets talk about last night, well its was the day of multiple stresses, i feel slightly isolated for some reason

I was in all morning making a toy model 1:1 scale it took the piss took ages and when I was near completion @ 3pm when are tutorial time started, I lost faith and went home to start on CPD so at least one project would go ok.

Managing time has to become a priority as from now on I don’t have any!

Last night I was down and thinking long term was chatting to friend for the best part of 2.30Hrs about where life is going.

Anyway today is another day im stress cos my dealine arnt for another week, its gonna be the longest time I have to my self and I will try to use them wisely.

Typing from IPD YR2 Studio,


Monday, April 02, 2007

!!!!!!!!!!100th POST!!!!!!!!!!

This should be a very very positive post! as its my 100th Post!!!!!!!!

But for some reason its making me feel a little depressed as my time in hong kong is coming to and end. This makes me feel very unhappy and I am seriously considering my future here in Hong Kong.

Im a little confused and feel a little down, But i know this wont last for long! Im ready to face the world 100% after wendsday!!!!!

So its not all bad, Im still here so i can continue to enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!



Sunday, April 01, 2007


WELL after waking up @ 12 oclock !!! i was like wow that's a waste of a morning, the am out of work i have to so is completely Mental!!!!
I have Much ReSpEcT for my entire class! they all work so hard and i have lots to learn from them.
I am seriously considering the possibility of continuing my studies here in HONG KONG!
But is much more difficult then how it sounds! It would mean transferring my course and it will be very $$$$$$ as im a international student!!!
Hey i have many complaints theres no pictures of me in my blog so here you are me today @ the fountain at the hong Kong Libury.
Its mega nice but feels very mush like a hotel or somthing!

This is the sony Concept shop, i dont have any better pictures cos when they seen me taking pictures thay said i had to deleat them!!! but i kept a few!!!! LOL

That was today i chilled around HK Island with Vincent.

I want to see a band! But there never play in HONG KONG!!!



Simply what the titel says, View Out my Window in HKPU HALLS 10th floor!

thats the university! the red brick building!!!!!! but the school of design is on the opprsite side!