Me GeekStars

My Diary of day-to-day events Now in 'England' was in HK

Monday, June 04, 2007


The DAy started with the usual Mong Kok shoping trip till everning. Damn that place!
Okay another day of bind blowing acutecture. its on my doorstep so why not go look at it in all its glory!
up to the top of the island the PEAK TRAM its proper old you know, from the early days of hong kong its excisted. damn my english! its late so no correcting it so haha.
looks nice at the top the entrance area part. its all glam bam sha bam.
A nice ferry ride back to TST for dinner and ride home.
doing today again for a third time tommrow. so triple Deja Vu, nothing i can do about it though so get ready for some new pics of old pics.


At 9:50 am, Blogger Saiman said...

Hello, fucking hell the architecture is vibing! take lots of pictures! seriously when u come back u need things to show man.

get me a small rapid prototype machine please!

I have lots of good news!
when can i phone u!?!


dizzys new LP is kinda sick! dont forget to buy the wii! and plenty of games! resident evil, zelda etc. Also immanul wants the DS sd card adaptor thing with gig card etc. get it for him his very xcited about it!



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