My last 4 Days in Hong Kong!
I'm think to stop this blog as a Hong Kong Memory! not sure though. I would be nice to have a place where i can see me time in Hong Kong the country i came to love.
My last day’s in Hong Kong.
The Roller Coaster of Emotions
I was invited to Shuman’s home for fun and games for the last few day of my time here in Hong Kong.
Going to Shuman’s is fun, as you can never expect who is going to be there nor whats going to happen.
On this occasion I took my Wii along, I met Shuman in Tin Hoau station. Which I can get to with easy as I know my way round Hong Kong pretty damn well!!! She and chick and all headed to Sai Kung where she lives on a Mini Bus! Where we did lots of food shopping for the Marathon of Fun & Games.
The next day we headed into the sai kung town centre due to tropical weather conditions. We meet with deskman and had dinner then we left and head back form even more fun and games when Hau Ying joined us. Another night of games and completing rayman raving rabbits. That’s one crazy game!
Then next day we all got up and the weather was good so we headed off to get lunch and do my final thing I hadn’t done yet!
!!!!Ocean Park!!!!
I love theme parks there so cool and the rush of adrenaline is awesome.
We spent the entire day there until I kept receiving calls asing me to come back to student halls so at 7pm we left Ocean park after the amazing rides and seeing giant fish and toy pandas.
I arrive at halls went to my room got showered and changed and got a call say come downstairs so I did, and it was a pleasant surprise, many of my friends had come to see me off, it was so nice. I didn’t expect for so many peoples to attend. It was a very nice to see and I am grateful.
Saying good bye was difficult and I knew this may well be the end of something special. I know deep inside that its going to be hard to keep in contact and it may well be the last time I see some of theses people. I will stay true and some people have been really good friends who which I will stay in contact with and I make a promis to myself that: ONE DAY I WILL RETURN TO HONG KONG!
I hope to see all again.
!!!!!THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!
Lan Kwi Fong
My last night out so we headed to LKF just to make the most of my last day in HK! I invited Brigid and kerry anlong, we had a fairwell drink. Kerry travel next year! Brigid don’t work to hard! FUN FUN FUN!
Then it was time for dancing, Hau Ying, Sharon and Chicken, we went to a new club, CiCX it was ok but a little late for it to be pumping. Dosent matter cos my friends were there.
Danced the night away 5am on the day im leaving and I hadn’t packed yet! Im silly.
I franticly got back sleept for 2hrs got up and packed for 4hrs it was a disaster! I had 7 months of stuff to pack in 4hrs! so you can guess I was very over weight baggage at 64KG total even though I had chucked half my stuff! I said my good buys to my roommate who took me to the bus station.
Then it was time to leave the place I lived the past 7 months which wasn’t emotional at all lol. I was invited to my Friends Kaichi’s Home for my final meal in HK before I leave which was very thoughtful of him. I arrive and he picked me up from the bus station.
After a while we were joined my my HK gang of friends at this point I knew that every thing was going to be very emotional as its these people friends that I have spent the last two months with.
After a wonderful dinner cooked my Kaichis parants thank you. We all headed to the airport via ferry something I thought was going to happen. We arrived and done all the baggage stuff which I luckly didn’t have to pay, then it really was time my final time in HK.
What can I say………………………..
It was intense…………………
Thank You All………………
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